
Is HBV the Same as Hepatitis B?

Getting the hepatitis B vaccine is the only way to prevent the disease. Learn about transmission, diagnosis, and treatment Hepatitis B is caused by HBV, or the hepatitis B virus. Most HBV infections resolve within 1-2 months even without active treatment. If the infection lasts longer than 6 months, it can progress to chronic HBV, …

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Is Honey Vegan? 7 Cruelty-Free Alternatives, Vegan Diet

Though considered nonvegan by most people, polls show that 20 percent of vegans have no trouble consuming honey. Honey is a product of bees. From a commercial standpoint, bees are abused and mistreated for profit. Vegans typically avoid animal products, such as eggs, dairy, and meat and fish. People who follow vegan diets consume only plant-based foods and even boycott …

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What Are Four Risk Factors for Cancer of the Bladder? 2 Types

Certain risk factors have been found that may dramatically raise your chances of acquiring bladder cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, 81,190 people are projected to be diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2022, with 17,100 expected to die from the condition. Every type of cancer is attributed to nonmodifiable and modifiable risk factors. The first category includes age, gender, …

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Golden Berries: Nutrition, Benefits, and How to Eat Them

Golden berries are rich in nutrients, making them a healthy snack option Golden berries are tart, sweet, orange-colored berries that come from the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Andes in South America. About the size of a marble, they resemble a cherry tomato and have a tangy flavor similar to pineapple or mango. However, the golden berry is not a true berry. …

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Is Neurodermatitis an Autoimmune Disease? Causes & Triggers

Learn about neurodermatitis causes, triggers, and risk factors Neurodermatitis or lichen simplex chronicus (LSC) is a chronic skin condition that causes intense itching that worsens with scratching, typically just on a few patches of skin.  Researchers have suggested that there may be a link between neurodermatitis and autoimmune diseases, but the exact cause of the condition is unknown. What causes …

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Therapeutic Options for Antiretroviral Naive Patient: Treatment

Treatment-naive patients have more antiretroviral therapy alternatives than treatment-experienced individuals. People who have never received treatment for a certain illness are considered treatment-naïve for that particular condition. In the field of sexually transmitted infections, this word most commonly refers to HIV-positive patients who have never received antiretroviral medication for their illness. The current treatment guidelines for treatment-naive individuals include the …

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What Health Benefits Are Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies Good For?

What is apple cider vinegar? Apple cider vinegar is essentially fermented apple juice. Health benefits of apple cider vinegar gummies include weight loss, blood sugar control, and improved digestive health and eczema. It’s no secret that the wellness community loves apple cider vinegar products as well as pure ACV itself. Even if you’ve never had a straight shot of the …

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Are Blueberries Keto-Friendly? Nutritional Value & Health Benefits

Blueberries can be keto-friendly when eaten raw and in small portions Blueberries are low in carbs and sugar while being rich in nutrients, making them a keto-friendly fruit in limited amounts—about ½ cup a day. Raw blueberries are a better choice than dried, since they are lower in carb content and do not contain added sugars. What is the nutritional …

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How Many Types of Protein Powders Are There and Which Is the Best?

What are protein powders? Protein powder is a liquid shake that's been pre-mixed for you with a specific type of protein powder that is either animal- or plant-based. There are seven types of protein powder including mixed protein, whey, egg, soy, rice, hemp, and pea. Even if you don’t consider yourself a health-conscious person, you might have tried a pre-made …

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Can Tennis Elbow Get Worse if Not Treated?

What is tennis elbow? Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition that affects tendons in part of your elbow. Untreated tennis elbow with symptoms can lead to further damage and possible tearing. Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition that affects tendons in part of your elbow. It’s often associated with sports, …

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