Tag Archives: chronic pain

12 Best Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury: 10 Causes, 12 Signs

Twelve types of treatment options are available for people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Immediate spinal cord injury (SCI) treatment can help avert worse consequences and is usually considered the best treatment option for SCI. Immediate treatment includes: Immobilizing the spine and spinal collar placement Immediate hospital admission Surgery is typically performed to remove vertebral …

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How Do You Relieve Body Aches?

Types of body aches  Most body aches are musculoskeletal. Relieve body aches with hot and cold packs and OTC pain medications. If you have body aches, such as muscle pain or joint pain, there are different ways to deal with them at home. Although medications are often the first line of defense for people, you might be worried about their side …

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What Are the Best Exercises for SI Joint Pain? 8 Workouts, Causes

Sacroiliac (SI) joint discomfort is often described as a sharp, stabbing ache that travels from your hips and pelvis to the lower back and legs. The sacroiliac (SI) joints are the joints in the lower back, where the sacrum (the flat triangular bone of the spine) and ilium (hip bone) connect. The sacrum is a triangle-shaped bone toward the bottom …

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What Is the Best Exercise for Shoulder Bursitis? 10 Workouts

Bursitis in the shoulder can occur in anybody although it is more common in those who overuse their shoulder joints often. Shoulder pain makes it difficult to do daily duties, including dressing, bathing, and driving.  Shoulder bursitis refers to the swelling or inflammation of the fluid-filled sac called the bursa that acts as a cushion in your shoulder. Bursitis produces …

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Is Cervicalgia (Neck Pain) Serious? 5 Treatments

Disorders and illnesses, affecting any structure in the neck, might potentially cause discomfort in the neck, as well as the shoulder area. Cervicalgia is more often not a dangerous ailment, but it may create problems while working and doing daily chores and need to be dealt with head-on. The illness is rather common, and, in most cases, there is no …

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5 Ways to Be a Good Partner to Someone With a Chronic Illness

Caring for a partner with a chronic illness requires love and compassion and these five strategies. A partner's chronic sickness can have an impact on you and your relationship. However, if you address the circumstance with love and compassion, you will quickly conquer it. Nobody likes to watch a loved one suffer, and most individuals want to assist their partner …

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Why Do My Forearms Hurt When I Pick Things Up? 20 Causes

Forearm pain when you pick up something may be due to several reasons. Your forearm is the area from your elbow to the wrist and consists of two bones lying side by side: Radius laterally (side of the thumb) Ulna medially (side of the little finger) Additionally, numerous blood vessels, nerves, and about 20 muscles help in wrist and forearm …

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Why Do High Heels Hurt My Feet? 8 Problems & 3 Tips

If you do not want to give up your high heels, there are some ways to alleviate the pain. Wearing high heels may make you feel taller and more beautiful. However, they may create several foot problems because they compromise the stability of the ankle and increase the risk of injury. When the foot is positioned downward in heels, tremendous …

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How Are Opioids Healthy? Risks, Addiction, Abuse Symptoms

Opioids are natural or man-made substances that interact with nerve cells to alleviate pain. Opioids are powerful pain relievers. Unlike steroids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, these do not cause bone or kidney damage. However, this does not mean these are healthy. Opioids are prescribed by the doctor if you have: Significant short-term (acute) pain, such as pain from Surgery A …

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What Is the Strongest Painkiller? 10 Best Pain Meds, Opioids

Many people suffer from everyday pain, and they turn to opioid drugs for comfort. The most powerful pain reliever is a class of medications known as “opioids,” which have a significant risk of addiction and dependency. These drugs are routinely recommended by doctors for severe pain treatment, as well as a variety of other illnesses. Opioids have gained a well-deserved …

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