Tag Archives: healthy kids

COVID travel restrictions eased globally

Elementum nulla turpis cursus. Integer liberos kusto euismod aene pretium faucibus ...

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What Is a Non-binary Baby?

What does it mean to be non-binary? Non-binary genders are any gender that doesn't fit within the "man/woman" binary view of gender. A non-binary baby is agender, bigender, or demi-gender. "It's a boy," or "It's a girl," is typically the first thing a U.S. parent hears about their newborn child. Assigning gender at birth is now considered customary, and many …

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How Do I Test My Child for Dyslexia?

What is dyslexia? Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that interferes with language processing, negatively impacting reading, writing, and spelling. Test your child for dyslexia by administering phonological awareness tests, decoding tests, reading fluency and comprehension tests, and rapid naming tests. Dyslexia is a linguistic learning difficulty that can be hard to detect in a lot of cases. However, following a …

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How Do I Parent My 3 Year Old With Autism?

Parenting: young child Parenting a young child with autism can feel stressful. Parent your 3-year-old with autism by understanding autism, using positive reinforcement, and getting support. Parenting a young child with autism can feel stressful. Your child might have behaviors that put a strain on your family, but these aren’t your or your child’s fault. Your child simply needs discipline, …

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Can a Baby Survive Omphalocele? Survival Rates

A baby with an omphalocele can survive, especially if no major organs have problems Most babies with omphaloceles survive. If the only problem is an omphalocele, the survival rate is over 90%. If the baby has other major organ problems, the survival rate is about 70%. What is an omphalocele? Omphalocele is a congenital abdominal wall abnormality in which the bowel …

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What Causes Macrostomia? 4 Variations & Treatment Recovery

Macrostomia is a rare cause of the facial deformity, where clefts forms on either or both sides of the face when a baby is born. Macrostomia is the enlargement of the mouth at the oral commissure. It is often caused when maxillary and mandibular portions of the first branchial arch fail to unite normally in a fetus during embryonic development. …

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Is It Safe to Give Your Kid Melatonin?

Which kids need melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland below the brain and it controls your sleep and wake cycle. If your kid needs to reset their sleep cycle after travel or a vacation, a few days' use of melatonin is safe. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland below the brain. It controls …

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Can Melatonin Cause Behavior Problems?

The benefits of melatonin Many children and teenagers can't fall asleep and sleep through the night. Those who support the use of melatonin argue it offers benefits without any increase in significant behavior problems in children. Many children and teenagers can't fall asleep and sleep through the night ( insomnia). Insomnia causes many problems for children and their parents. Melatonin is …

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Should You Get Your Son Circumcised?

How common is male newborn circumcision? Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis, called the foreskin. Circumcision is an option for most healthy, stable newborn boys, but there are medical reasons some newborns cannot be circumcised. Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis, called the foreskin. …

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Can You Take Tylenol Cold and Flu While Breastfeeding?

What is Tylenol Cold and Flu? Tylenol is a well-known brand of acetaminophen and it is safe and effective for fever and pain.A void combined products like Tylenol Cold and Flu while you are breastfeeding. Colds and the flu (influenza) are common, especially in the winter. They're both viral infections that can make you feel ill and miserable. Tylenol Cold …

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