Tag Archives: health and living

How Does Your Body Change After Breast Augmentation? Recovery

Following breast augmentation, your breasts may look bigger, have proper contour, look rounder, or become tighter. Breast augmentation certainly makes you look more in shape. Though your body does not change much after breast augmentation surgery, the breast area looks bigger, thus changing your overall posture. The surgery changes the shape and appearance of your …

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What Foods Are Good to Eat After Hysterectomy? 6 Foods

After surgery, it is crucial to eat nutritious foods in order to speed up recovery and rebuild your strength. Here are 6 foods that are good to eat after a hysterectomy After a hysterectomy, you may experience problems such as weight gain, disrupted sleep, irritability, and increased risk of chronic conditions. In order to speed up recovery and rebuild your …

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What Are 4 Ways to Burn Fat? Diet & Exercise, Weight Loss

Utilizing the following four tips can help you maximize your weight loss and reduce body fat. The four primary ways in which you can burn your body fat include: Nutrition Exercise Stress management Getting good sleep Nutrition Follow a high protein diet Eating more protein-rich foods makes you feel full for long, may help reduce your appetite and help you …

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What Are the Health Risks of Belly Fat?

Belly fat can lead to health risks such as heart disease, diabetes, thyroid imbalances, and even some cancers. Learn about how to lose excess abdominal fat Excess belly fat can surround your internal organs and lead to health risks such as: Heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and peripheral artery disease Diabetes mellitus  Thyroid imbalances Cancers of stomach, intestines, breast, and uterine …

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How Effective Are Fat-Dissolving Injections? 4 Steps, Side Effects

An alternative to liposuction, a fat-dissolving injection helps break down the fat cells (adipocytes) in the body. Fat-dissolving injections (injection lipolysis) can effectively eliminate the fat from stubborn areas of the body, such as the chin and hips. Sometimes, none of the steps of diet and exercising help to remove fat from these areas. This is when these injections can …

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Why Is Vitamin D So Vital to the Human Body?

Vitamin D is vital to the body because it plays major roles in bone health and immune function. Learn why you need vitamin D and how to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that your body needs to maintain healthy bones, regulate inflammation, and promote immune function: Promotes calcium absorption for bone health Promotes optimal …

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How Can I Increase My Protein Intake Without Calories?

Your calorie requirements Protein is a vital part of your diet. Increase your protein intake without a lot of extra calories by choosing lean protein, low-fat or non-fat dairy, fish, eggs, and plant protein. Protein is a vital part of your diet. Your body needs protein to build muscle mass and maintain various tissues. Protein is crucial. If you're trying …

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Is Whole-Body Scan Dangerous? Risk of Cancer

The risk of developing radiation-induced cancer later in life with a single whole-body scan is about 1 in 1,200. Whole-body scans are diagnostic imaging examinations that capture images of your entire body. They may use nonionizing imaging modalities including magnetic resonance imaging or ionizing radiation such as computed tomography (CT) scan. The ionizing radiation may cause DNA damage, which later …

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Is Arguing Normal in Married Couples? Key to Happy Marriage

Disagreement in a marriage is not always an indication that the relationship is doomed. Everyone's definition of argument in marriage varies. You ideally should speak to a marriage counseling specialist about your relationship to see whether the disagreement between you and your partner is a sustainable aspect of your relationship or an indication of a developing issue. While most dislike …

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How Do You Know if You Have Vertigo or Ear Infection?

What is an inner ear infection? The sensation that the world around you is spinning is called vertigo while infection of the inner ear may cause labyrinthitis. The type of vertigo that is associated with an inner ear infection is called peripheral vertigo. The sensation that the world around you is spinning is called vertigo. Vertigo alone is not a …

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