Tag Archives: health and living

What Is the Lazy Fitness Guide? Sedentary Exercise Plan

This bare minimum workout guide for lazy people includes 6 smart ways to maintain good nutrition and 7 tips for staying physically active. If you have a full work schedule or you are someone who finds regularly hitting the gym an overwhelming chore, then you may be looking for easier and less tiresome ways to …

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Why Is Abdominal Obesity Dangerous? How to Reduce Belly Fat

Abdominal obesity can result in several health risks, including type II diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Abdominal obesity, also called visceral obesity, has been linked to several metabolic problems, including type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and overall mortality.  Waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) are the most often used metrics for abdominal obesity, and they are affected by …

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Can I Eat Bread and Still Lose Weight? Whole-Wheat for Weight Loss

Certain types of bread, such as whole-wheat bread, are an excellent addition to your diet and can aid in weight loss. Yes, you can eat bread while trying to lose weight. Eating bread will not cause you to gain weight. However, eating too much bread will. The secret to losing weight is consuming fewer calories than you utilize during the …

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What Are the 10 Common Types of Sports Injuries? Examples, Causes

These are the ten most common types of sports injuries, which include muscle pull, shin splints, lower back pain, shoulder impingement, and runner's knee. Sports injuries are those that occur when participating in sports or exercising, which can arise as a result of: Overtraining Lack of fitness Poor form or technique Warming up properly reduces the chance of sports injuries. …

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How Do I Stop Constant Fighting in My Marriage? 10 Tips

While some marital conflict is normal, constant fighting in a marriage can destabilize an otherwise happy relationship. It is common knowledge that married couples, particularly those who have been married for a long period, have unresolved concerns. These concerns are never addressed because they are pushed under the carpet for fear of upsetting the household's serenity. If you use this …

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What Medical Imaging Techniques Use Ionizing Radiation? Test Chart

Here are five medical imaging techniques that use ionizing radiation, which can result in certain ill effects. Accurate and timely diagnosis forms the foundation of early and effective treatment. Doctors use various blood tests and imaging techniques to diagnose health issues. Imaging tests help the doctor see the inside of the body enabling them to diagnose and treat medical conditions …

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How long does it take a UTI to turn into a kidney infection?

What are kidney infections? Failing to treat a urinary tract infection can lead to serious health problems, including kidney infections. If you have lingering symptoms, or recurrent UTIs, it is important to see your medical provider. Kidney infections, also referred to as pyelonephritis, are a serious type of urinary tract infection (UTI). This infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary …

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7 Common Diet Mistakes: Weight Loss Tips, Why Diets Fail

Learn seven common diet mistakes that may be inadvertently ruining your weight loss journey. Many believe dieting simply means “eat this, not that!” However, there are several other things you must focus on when dieting, which can range from setting a realistic weight loss goal to making wise food choices. Dieting appears to have many rules, so it is quite …

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How Is Anterior Epistaxis Treated? 6 Steps, Nose Bleed Management

Learn six steps to stop epistaxis, as well as the management techniques used by clinicians. Epistaxis is bleeding from the nasal mucosa and is the most prevalent emergency in otorhinolaryngology. Epistaxis is of two types, anterior and posterior epistaxis, both of which have a prevalence of 10 to 12 percent. Kiesselbach's plexus (also called Little's area) on the anterior nasal …

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7 “Must-Have” Medicines: Basic First Aid Checklist

Learn the seven common “must-have” medicines and first aid supplies to have on hand in case of emergencies. A well-stocked medicine cabinet is essential for every household to treat a minor illness or injury, such as headache, runny nose, aches and pains, and insect bites. These items can help ensure a healthy and safe life. Here are some suggestions of …

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