Mental health issues can make you more prone to developing chronic diseases and other physical problems, from headaches to high blood pressure Mental health issues not only affect you emotionally but also physically. Stress, anxiety, and depression can make you more prone to developing chronic diseases and other physical problems. For example, mental health conditions …
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Can Hypospadias Be Corrected? 6 Types, Complications, Causes
Hypospadias is a condition that does not resolve on its own, however, it can be corrected surgically when the newborn male is aged 6 months to 2 years old. Hypospadias is a structural disorder of the penis seen in newborn males at birth. It is a condition that requires active intervention and should be treated to prevent complications related to …
Read More »Can Caffeine Cause Depression? Addiction, Withdrawal
Researchers are divided as to whether caffeine causes depression, with some believing moderate consumption could help, while others believe it’ll make things worse. The medical community is divided on the effect of caffeine on depression. Some people believe caffeine can help, whereas others believe it will make things worse. Caffeine is a stimulant that can alter the mood. It can …
Read More »When Can I Make a Baby Sit? Developmental Milestones
Most babies can sit at about 9 months and may be able to get in and out of a sitting posture with a little support. Learn about child development milestones Most babies can sit without assistance at about 9 months and may be able to get in and out of a sitting posture with a little support. Below are the …
Read More »Is It Safe to Drink Soda Every Day? Health Risks
Drinking soda every day can cause a lot of damage to your health because it contains so much sugar. Excessive intake can cause chronic health issues Drinking soda every day can cause a lot of damage to your health because it contains so much sugar. Excessive intake can cause chronic health issues, from obesity to diabetes, high blood pressure, high …
Read More »Is Bulging Disc the Same as Herniated Disc? Bulging vs. Herniated
Although a bulging disc and herniated disc are often confused with each other, there are few key differences between the two conditions A bulging disc is not the same as a herniated disc. Although these terms are often confused with each other, there are few key differences between the two conditions. What is an intervertebral disc? An intervertebral disc is …
Read More »What Are the Advantages of Using an Inversion Table? How To Use
The potential benefits of using an inversion table include a significant reduction in lower back pain, as well as muscle spasms and sciatica. According to anecdotal reports and certain studies, an inversion table is thought to carry the advantage of providing relief in problems that include: Neck pain Back pain caused by conditions, such as Herniated disc (slipped disc) Degenerative …
Read More »How Serious Is SVT? Supraventricular Tachycardia
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is typically not serious unless you have an underlying heart condition. Learn about symptoms and when to call a doctor Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is typically not serious unless you have an underlying heart condition like atrial fibrillation. However, frequent and continuous SVT can lead to heart diseases and in rare cases, SVT can cause serious problems, such as …
Read More »What Are the 3 Functions of the Nucleus?
What is a nucleus? The nucleus is the largest, most prominent organelle inside the cell. The functions of the nucleus are that it houses genetic material (DNA). it is the site of RNA production and it helps regulate cell metabolism by generating various enzymes. The human body has several organs. They are made up of several tiny building blocks called …
Read More »Can You Live a Normal Life After Breast Cancer?
Life after breast cancer treatment You’re finally done with your breast cancer treatment. It’s a relief and a time to rejoice. You may expect your life to go back to the way it was before, but instead of returning to your old normal, you may have to adjust to a new one. With today’s advanced treatment and early detection, breast …
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