What is stamina? You may have seen the term "mental stamina" in advertisements for supplements or game apps, claiming they can improve and enhance your brainpower. But not many of these sources explain what mental stamina actually means. Mental stamina is one of the many different ways that you can describe the quality of your …
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How Do You Get a Loved One to Lose Weight?
Weight loss is often a hush-hush topic, but when your loved one loses their confidence or becomes unhealthy, you need to step in. Often, though, it becomes hard to have a conversation surrounding weight loss since the other person may get defensive, or worse, offended. Therefore, you need to tread lightly and make sure you are not insulting or degrading …
Read More »Can Gums Grow Back After Receding? 6 Ways to Treat
Receding gums cannot grow back, although you can slow down the progression of the condition. Surgeries may restore the lost gum tissue to an extent Receding gums cannot grow back, although you can slow down the progression of the condition. Surgeries may restore the lost gum tissue to an extent. With gum recession, the soft tissue around the roots of …
Read More »Which Fruits Are the Lowest in Sugars and Carbs? Chart
If you are trying to lower your sugar intake, here is a list of 32 fruits and their nutritional values (including sugars and carbs) While all fruits naturally contain sugars and complex carbs, some contain less than others. If you are trying to lower your sugar intake, whether for weight loss or diabetes, here is a list of 32 fruits …
Read More »Is Ovarian Torsion an Emergency? Surgery, Causes, Symptoms
Ovarian torsion, also called adnexal torsion, is a medical emergency that requires surgery to untwist or remove the affected ovary. Yes, ovarian torsion, also called adnexal torsion, is an emergency gynecologic condition, where mostly one ovary is affected. The condition occurs when an ovary twists around the ligaments holding it. Ovarian torsion may lead to complications, especially the death of …
Read More »How Do I Get Rid of Hormonal Belly Fat?
Getting rid of hormonal belly fat involves treating the underlying cause along with diet changes, regular exercise, and stress management Unexplained weight gain can be upsetting, especially when it’s around your waistline. In some cases, it can even indicate that something more serious is going on, such as a hormonal imbalance. Hormones play an important role in controlling your metabolism, …
Read More »How to Naturally Improve Indoor Air Quality
We often blame vehicles and industries for polluting the air while forgetting the importance of clean air at home. Did you know Americans spend 87% of their daily time indoors? That means having good indoor air quality in your home is of utmost importance since you're spending most of your time inside. Here are 12 ways to improve indoor air …
Read More »How Do You Calculate Ideal Body Weight?
Knowing your ideal body weight (IBW) can help you determine a weight management goal. Learn how to calculate ideal body weight Whether you are trying to lose, gain, or maintain weight, knowing your ideal body weight (IBW) can help you figure out a goal. Your ideal body weight is determined by genetics, age, gender, and muscle mass How much body …
Read More »What Causes Greasy Hair? 9 Causes & How to Fix It
While there are many causes of greasy hair, from scalp conditions to poor hair care habits, the problem can usually be fixed with a few lifestyle changes Greasy hair may be a symptom of an underlying scalp condition that causes excessive sebum secretion. This often leads to itching, redness, and seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff). However, people with any skin type can …
Read More »What Vegetables Should You Eat Every Day? Veggie Chart, Benefits
Eating healthy requires consuming more deeply colored veggies to obtain the maximum amount of health benefits. Here are the veggies you should eat every day. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend people to have about two and a half cups of vegetables per day. Vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients while low in fats, sugars, total calories, and cholesterol. …
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