health and living

What Are the Signs of a Zinc Deficiency? Risk Factors, Symptoms, Toxicity

Symptoms of zinc deficiency include poor appetite, weaker immune system, slow wound healing, loss of taste and smell, and more. The human body can adapt to a short-term, mild zinc deficiency by absorbing more from food and excreting less. Inadequate zinc intake, however, will impact bodily functions. While zinc deficiency is uncommon among most people …

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Can You Live a Normal Life After Gastric Bypass?

What is a gastric bypass? Getting a gastric bypass is life-changing. You‘ll have to eat differently, take a different approach to exercise, follow up with your doctors regularly, and more. Life after weight-loss surgery will be different, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. ‌Gastric bypass surgery, also known as a Roux-en-Y, is one kind of weight-loss surgery. It consists …

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What Are the 4 Missing Nutrients in My Diet?

How common are diet deficiencies? If you have been tired or had a lot of colds lately, you may wonder if something is missing from your diet. You could be right. Almost one-third of Americans are deficient in at least one nutrient, according to one study. Around 8% are deficient in more than one.  Most Americans get enough macronutrients — …

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How Do I Know If I Have Overpronation? Self Diagnose, Treatment

If you overpronate, your heel’s outer edge hits the ground first while your foot rolls inward during your gait cycle. Overpronation is a frequent biomechanical issue where the foot rolls and flattens during the walking process. Some amount of pronation is necessary because it distributes impact force during walking and running, effectively functioning as a shock absorber. However, overpronation while …

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Is Laser Lipo Effective? Weight Loss Procedure

Laser lipo has shown promising results for fat reduction with fewer complications than other weight loss procedures. Learn about the pros and cons Laser lipo has shown promising results for fat reduction with fewer risks and complications than other weight loss procedures. Results may be permanent if you maintain a healthy weight, diet, and lifestyle. Additionally, the laser energy stimulates …

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What Are the Signs of Magnesium Deficiency? 4 Symptoms

Magnesium deficiency is often overlooked because symptoms often appear until your levels are dangerously low. Here are 4 signs to look for Magnesium deficiency, also called hypomagnesemia, is often overlooked. In many cases, magnesium deficiency may be underdiagnosed because the symptoms generally don't show up until your magnesium levels become seriously low. Your body needs magnesium for vital bodily processes, …

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What Are a Father’s Roles and Responsibilities in Parenting?

Changing roles and responsibilities of fathers The role of fathers in modern households has significantly changed. Fathers are becoming more involved in raising their children. Fatherhood roles are no longer limited to financial and disciplinary matters. Parenting for fathers is also about helping children develop emotionally, psychologically, and physically. Many fathers today are more than capable of caring for their …

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How Long Does a Hyperextended Knee Take to Heal? Symptoms, Treatment

Recovery from a mild to moderate hyperextended knee can take 2 to 4 weeks to heal, whereas more severe cases may require 6 months or longer after surgery. Hyperextension of the knee is a condition that occurs when the knee extends too far backward beyond the normal range of motion. It causes excess stress to the knee structures and back …

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What are the 8 Secrets of a Happy Family?

8 secrets to have a happy family The definition of “family” has become more diverse, and your family may look different than other families. Whoever makes up your family, though, there are habits happy families share, and habits unhappy families share. “Family” is an interesting word simply because of how flexible it has become. Your family might look entirely different …

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Which Milk Is Best For Bones?

There's no doubt milk is an essential component of a healthy diet. It is an excellent source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and most importantly, calcium. Calcium supports bone health and structure and keeps your bones rigid, strong, and resilient. It helps bones grow in childhood, maintains flexibility in adulthood, and lowers the risk of osteoporosis in older adults. Calcium is …

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