health and living

What Is the Treatment for Hypophosphatemia (Low Phosphate)? Chart

Treatment of hypophosphatemia or low serum phosphate levels can include treating the underlying cause, dietary changes, or surgery. The treatment of hypophosphatemia or low serum phosphate levels largely depends upon: The cause of hypophosphatemia The severity of hypophosphatemia The duration of hypophosphatemia Depending on these factors, the doctor may decide the management of the condition …

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Is Acupuncture Good for Pain Relief?

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture for pain relief is an alternative to over-the-counter medicines and addictive opioids. Chronic pain can make life difficult, so it’s important to find a solution that works for you. This centuries-old practice may help you manage your pain and improve your quality of life. Acupuncture is an alternative to modern medications. It is a part of Traditional …

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Can You Lose Belly Fat Without Doing Abs?

While everybody dreams of having a flat tummy, nobody wants to put in the effort of hour-long exercises. But crunches and abs circuits aren't the only things that reduce belly fat. Various non-workout-related habits help flatten your tummy. Some of these include dietary and lifestyle changes. So if you want to reduce abdominal fat, here are five ways to flatten …

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How Can I Flatten My Abs Fast?

Losing lower belly fat can be quite a struggle, especially if you have had it for some time. Abdominal fat does not only increase your risk for some diseases but may also affect your self-esteem.  Therefore, losing this fat could help boost your confidence and keep you safe from many diseases. These science-backed 6 tips for flat abs are a …

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What Does It Mean to Have Squamous Epithelial Cells in Urine?

The presence of squamous epithelial cells in your urine sample may mean it was contaminated by cells from the urethra or vagina opening. The most common cause of epithelial cells in urine is improper urine sample collection. Your doctor may, therefore, ask you to take another urine test. The presence of epithelial cells in urine may indicate infections, kidney disease, …

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What Causes Greasy Hair? 9 Causes & How to Fix It

While there are many causes of greasy hair, from scalp conditions to poor hair care habits, the problem can usually be fixed with a few lifestyle changes Greasy hair may be a symptom of an underlying scalp condition that causes excessive sebum secretion. This often leads to itching, redness, and seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff). However, people with any skin type can …

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How Do You Get a Loved One to Lose Weight?

Weight loss is often a hush-hush topic, but when your loved one loses their confidence or becomes unhealthy, you need to step in. Often, though, it becomes hard to have a conversation surrounding weight loss since the other person may get defensive, or worse, offended.  Therefore, you need to tread lightly and make sure you are not insulting or degrading …

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How Do You Treat a Groin Strain? Symptoms & Causes

A groin train may be treated with painkillers to manage symptoms and physical therapy to regain muscle strength. Surgery may be required in severe cases A groin strain usually doesn’t require medical intervention. Symptoms of pain and swelling can be managed with painkillers, and thigh strengthening exercises may help speed up the recovery process. Groin strains may take weeks or …

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What Does Agonal Breathing Sound Like?

Agonal breathing may sound like gasping, snorting, heavy or labored breathing, gurgling, or groaning. Learn about causes and treatment Agonal breathing may sound like: Gasping Snorting Heavy breathing Labored breathing Gurgling Groaning Gasping associated with agonal breathing is a brainstem reflex and not true breathing. The gasping is caused solely by residual nervous system activity and is very shallow. What …

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What Does Having a Scalloped Tongue Mean? 5 Causes

While a scalloped tongue rarely indicates serious problems, examining possible causes can help your doctor detect other medical conditions you may have A scalloped tongue is a tongue with indentations, notches, or ridges along the edges. While the condition rarely causes pain or indicates more serious problems, understanding what causes scalloped tongue can help your doctor detect other medical conditions …

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