Fox News

How Is a Woman’s Fertility Tested?

When should I take a fertility test? For two people to conceive a child, both partners’ bodies need to make a contribution. However, if you and your partner are trying to conceive but have been unsuccessful for a year or more, both the male and the female partner should get their fertility tested. As a …

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What Are the Symptoms of Breast Implant Illness? Chart, Treatment

Many women report that breast implants cause the following symptoms of breast implant illness. Breast implant illness (BII), also called autoimmune or inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), refers to the various symptoms women may experience after receiving plastic surgery for breast implants. According to research, the symptoms of BII are similar to those of fibromyalgia, a vague autoimmune disorder …

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What Are the 4 Missing Nutrients in My Diet?

How common are diet deficiencies? If you have been tired or had a lot of colds lately, you may wonder if something is missing from your diet. You could be right. Almost one-third of Americans are deficient in at least one nutrient, according to one study. Around 8% are deficient in more than one.  Most Americans get enough macronutrients — …

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Can You Live a Normal Life After Gastric Bypass?

What is a gastric bypass? Getting a gastric bypass is life-changing. You‘ll have to eat differently, take a different approach to exercise, follow up with your doctors regularly, and more. Life after weight-loss surgery will be different, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. ‌Gastric bypass surgery, also known as a Roux-en-Y, is one kind of weight-loss surgery. It consists …

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What Does a Lump Under Your Armpit Mean? Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Most lumps under the armpit are not dangerous. However, some bumps may signal a serious underlying condition, such as breast cancer or an infection. An armpit lump or a swelling under the armpit (axilla) may result due to various reasons.  Most causes of armpit lumps or bumps are not dangerous. However, you must consult a doctor for a definitive diagnosis. …

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Is Laser Lipo Effective? Weight Loss Procedure

Laser lipo has shown promising results for fat reduction with fewer complications than other weight loss procedures. Learn about the pros and cons Laser lipo has shown promising results for fat reduction with fewer risks and complications than other weight loss procedures. Results may be permanent if you maintain a healthy weight, diet, and lifestyle. Additionally, the laser energy stimulates …

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What Causes Pigeon Chest? Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis

Pigeon chest (pectus carinatum) is caused by an abnormal development of cartilage connecting the ribs. Pigeon chest (pectus carinatum) is the second most common chest abnormality seen in children. The breastbone, also known as the sternum, protrudes outward and shapes the chest to a bird-like appearance, hence the name pigeon chest. The exact cause of this condition is unknown, but …

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What Is Black Tea Good For? 8 Health Benefits, Side Effects

8 health benefits of black tea Black tea contains plenty of antioxidants that offer health benefits such as improved heart health and decreased blood pressure. The health benefits of drinking black tea every day includes the following: Antioxidant effects: Black tea contains polyphenols such as theaflavins, catechins, and thearubigins (antioxidants) that reduce cellular damage from free radicals.  Theaflavins reduce blood …

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What Are the Best Sources of Plant Protein? 9 Plant-Based Foods

Here are the 9 best sources of plant-based protein that include tofu, tempeh, lentils, chickpeas, hemp, and quinoa. Protein, considered a building block of the body, is one of the essential nutrients the body needs for growth and energy. Animal products, such as meat, milk, and eggs, are good sources of protein. However, in recent years, plant-based diets, such as …

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What Causes Vitamin E Deficiency? Symptoms, Treatment, Food Sources

Vitamin E deficiency is more commonly seen in newborn babies in the United States, however, adults can also develop a deficiency due to the following. Vitamin E deficiency is more common in newborn babies than in adults and older children, and the condition is almost rare in the latter group in the United States. Newborns get all their nutrition from …

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