Fox News

How Do You Get Rid of an Ingrown Fingernail? At-Home Treatment, Symptoms

Simple measures such as soaking the affected nail and taking pain relievers may help get rid of an ingrown fingernail. Never attempt to pick or cut out your ingrown nail. It may worsen the swelling and cause pus formation. Sometimes, it may damage the nail bed (cuticle) and cause deformation of the nail structure. You …

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How Can I Help My Child With a Peanut Allergy? Treatment, Prevention

Since there is no cure for peanut allergies, prevention and keeping an epinephrine injector (EpiPen) on hand is key to helping your child’s allergy. If you suspect your child has a peanut allergy, you should have them tested by a medical professional. Even when precautions are taken, inadvertent exposures can and do occur. An epinephrine injector can help reduce the …

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Do Eye Vitamins Really Help? Supplements for Eye Health

Most eye health vitamins and supplements are meant for those suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Most individuals do not require eye vitamins or supplements. These supplements mainly benefit people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) because they help slow down the disease progression. Though some studies suggest taking vitamins or supplements may benefit patients with other various eye disorders, such …

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What Are the First Signs of a Heart Attack in a Woman?

What is a heart attack? Most people associate heart attacks with chest pain. Some people, especially women, may have a heart attack without chest pain. It's important to know the other signs of a heart attack.  A heart attack happens when a blocked artery prevents blood from reaching your heart. The  arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart can …

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How Is a Woman’s Fertility Tested?

When should I take a fertility test? For two people to conceive a child, both partners’ bodies need to make a contribution. However, if you and your partner are trying to conceive but have been unsuccessful for a year or more, both the male and the female partner should get their fertility tested. As a female, there are many tests …

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What Are the 4 Missing Nutrients in My Diet?

How common are diet deficiencies? If you have been tired or had a lot of colds lately, you may wonder if something is missing from your diet. You could be right. Almost one-third of Americans are deficient in at least one nutrient, according to one study. Around 8% are deficient in more than one.  Most Americans get enough macronutrients — …

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What Are Good Chores for a Young Child (5 to 8 Years)?

Benefits of giving young children chores Giving your children chores has benefits that will last a lifetime. One study done at the University of Minnesota found that the best predictor of success for young adults in their 20s was whether they had to do chores when they were young. Children who do chores develop skills that will help them succeed …

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Can You Live a Normal Life After Gastric Bypass?

What is a gastric bypass? Getting a gastric bypass is life-changing. You‘ll have to eat differently, take a different approach to exercise, follow up with your doctors regularly, and more. Life after weight-loss surgery will be different, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. ‌Gastric bypass surgery, also known as a Roux-en-Y, is one kind of weight-loss surgery. It consists …

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What Are the 4 Missing Nutrients in My Diet?

How common are diet deficiencies? If you have been tired or had a lot of colds lately, you may wonder if something is missing from your diet. You could be right. Almost one-third of Americans are deficient in at least one nutrient, according to one study. Around 8% are deficient in more than one.  Most Americans get enough macronutrients — …

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What Is the Difference Between Cinnamon and Ceylon Cinnamon? Chart, Side Effects

Ceylon cinnamon, often called true cinnamon, is found in Sri Lanka, while cassia cinnamon is found in Indonesia and China. Several varieties of cinnamon are derived from the bark of different types of cinnamon trees but only four are used for commercial purposes. Among these four types, Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and Cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) are the two main …

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