Fox News

How Serious Is ASD? Atrial Septal Defect

Some cases of ASD resolve during childhood. However, severe cases of ASD can be life-threatening and require surgery to prevent serious complications An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a congenital heart defect in which the heart has an hole in the wall (septum) that separates the upper chambers (atria) of the heart. This hole can …

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What Is the Difference Between Allergy and Hay Fever?

Hay fever is a type of allergy that occurs in response to specific allergens and typically lasts for months. Learn more about allergies vs. hay fever Allergies occur when the body views any foreign substance or allergens as harmful and attacks it, causing reactions that range from hives, rash, sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and sinus pressure.   Hay fever is …

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How Long Do Growing Pains Last?

Growing pains vary from child to child. Some feel pain for a few minutes while others feel pain for several hours Growing pains vary from child to child. Some feel pain for a few minutes while others feel pain for several hours. Pain is usually intermittent, although sometimes it can occur on a daily basis. Most children outgrow growing pains …

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What Deficiency Causes Scalp Psoriasis? Vitamin D, Symptoms, Causes

Scientific studies have reported a possible link between vitamin D deficiency and psoriasis, including scalp psoriasis. Scientific studies have reported a possible link between vitamin D deficiency and psoriasis, including scalp psoriasis. People with psoriasis have lower levels of vitamin B12, which often occurs concurrently with lower vitamin D3 levels in the blood. Vitamin D deficiency is critical in psoriasis. …

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What Causes Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia? VAIN Symptoms, Treatment

Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) is typically caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), as well as immunosuppression and cancerous conditions. Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) is caused by the following conditions: Human papillomavirus (HPV) HPV is the most common cause of VAIN and has more than 100 subtypes, among which 30 subtypes can affect the genitals, and among those, 13 are considered high-risk …

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What 5 Qualities Make a Good Dad?

Why good fathers are important Your parenting will have a real effect on what kind of grown-up your child becomes. Children are born with a set of genetic traits, and these are important. But parenting matters. We know this because children with problem behaviors frequently improve when their parents learn better child-rearing practices.   For years, mothers did most of …

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What Should Parents Expect in the Tween Years?

What are the tween years? The tween years are the ages between 8 and 12 years old. They are sometimes called middle childhood. Kids in this age group aren't teenagers yet, but they also aren't little kids anymore.  The tween years come with a lot of changes. It’s a time when children are gaining maturity and getting more independent from …

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What Should a Pregnant Woman Do if She Has COVID-19?

COVID-19 and pregnancy COVID-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus. The disease often involves congestion of the lungs. Pregnant women may not be at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19. However, they are at a higher risk of medical complications if they do get infected. If you are pregnant and you think you have COVID-19, get professional medical help …

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What Are the Signs of Extravasation? Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Extravasation occurs from leakage of any drug during intravenous infusion and may cause tissue necrosis, and skin redness, blistering, and swelling. Extravasation occurs if leakage of any drug outside the vein gets onto or into the skin during an intravenous infusion and causes reactions on the skin. Signs of extravasation include: Painful stinging or burning sensation Swelling Skin discoloration The …

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What Are Good Chores for a Pre-Teen (9 to 12 Years)?

The benefits of chores for pre-teens Children in the middle childhood years start to turn to their friends for support and approval rather than their families. This is a normal and healthy part of your child's development. But you still want to maintain a close relationship with your child. Doing chores together is one way you can strengthen family bonds. …

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