Fox News

What Can Repetitive Movements Cause? RMD Causes & Treatment

Repetitive movements can cause repetitive motion disorders (RMDs), or stress injuries to your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves Repetitive movements can cause repetitive motion disorders (RMDs), or stress injuries to your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. RMDs are usually caused by repetitive movements you make at work or while performing daily tasks. When coupled with …

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What Are the 5 Stages of Parkinson’s Disease? Symptoms

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disease that affects movement. Learn about symptoms in each of the 5 stages Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disease that causes the breakdown of cells in the nervous system. The 5 stages of PD are as follows: Stage I Symptoms at this stage are mild and do not interfere with daily …

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What Are Common Reproductive Health Issues?

Reproductive health issues affect millions of Americans each year. Learn about common reproductive health issues for both men and women Reproductive health issues can affect both men and women. Reproductive systems are made of internal and external sex organs and hormone-producing glands, including the pituitary gland in the brain. What are common reproductive health issues in women? Common reproductive health …

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What Are 5 Oral Health Diseases? Dental Problems

Oral health is important for your overall health and quality of life. Common oral problems include tooth decay, gum disease, mouth injury, oral cancer, etc. Oral health is important for your overall health and quality of life. Poor dental hygiene can lead to problems like cavities, and is also linked to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. 1. …

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What’s Worse, Hepatitis A, B, or C? Hep A vs. B vs. C

Because there is no vaccination available against hepatitis C, hepatitis C is often considered worse than hepatitis A or B Because there is no vaccination available against hepatitis C, hepatitis C is often considered the worst hepatitis.  Hepatitis A is not a chronic infection, whereas hepatitis B and C can and do cause chronic infections. There are vaccines to prevent …

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What Is the Main Cause of Graves’ Disease? Symptoms, Diagnosis

While the exact cause of Graves’ disease is unknown, certain factors may put you at an increased risk of developing the autoimmune disease. Graves' disease is caused by dysregulation of the immune system that results in the production of antibodies that attack the thyroid cells. What exactly triggers the immune system to produce antibodies is unknown. Graves' disease is an …

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What Is the Best Time to Exercise?

Exercising in the morning Finding time to exercise can be challenging. Exercising at particular times of the day may help you reach your health and fitness goals. What’s the best time to exercise? Working out first thing in the morning has benefits for your health and your workout.  Less distractions. In the morning, there’s usually less competition for your time. …

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What Is Neutrophilic Asthma? Symptoms & Treatment

Neutrophilic asthma is a type of severe asthma in which there is a high neutrophil count in your sputum. Learn about treatment options Neutrophilic asthma is a type of asthma in which there is a high neutrophil count in your sputum (mixture of saliva and mucus from your respiratory tract). Neutrophils are white blood cells that help fight off infections …

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What Is a Typical French Diet?

The French diet The French don't take eating lightly. To them, meals are considered a celebration and a time to socialize with friends or family. The diet mainly consists of three meals in a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A typical French diet includes staples like bread, butter, meat, cheese, shallots, truffle, turnip, celeriac, and red wine. As mentioned earlier, …

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What Happens When Bipolar Meds Don’t Work?

Bipolar disorder is a severe and life-altering condition. Left untreated, bipolar manic cycles can last between 3 and 6 months. Bipolar-related depression can last even longer, sometimes up to 12 months. Treatment for bipolar aims to manage your episodes for the most balanced life possible. When your bipolar medication doesn’t work Diagnosing bipolar is tricky enough. Successful treatment plans can …

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