
Castor Oil: Health Benefits for Arthritis, Skin, Constipation, and More

Castor oil as a laxative Castor oil is a thick oil that's been used for thousands of years and is still widely used around the world in folk medicine. The health benefits of castor oil include it's use as a laxative, skin moisturizer, wound-healing aid, and arthritis-pain reliever. Castor oil is extracted from the seeds …

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Are Shirataki Noodles Healthy?

What are shirataki noodles? Shirataki noodles have one important ingredient: fiber. Shirataki noodles are healthy because they may help prevent colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, constipation, breast cancer, and diverticulitis. Some foods are healthy because of what they contain. Shirataki noodles may be healthy because of what they don't contain. They have no fat, sugar, or sodium. In …

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What Triggers Facial Psoriasis? Causes & Types

Although doctors are unsure what causes facial psoriasis, it is clear that your genes and immune system play a significant role Facial psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition in which red, dry patches of skin develop on the face. Possible triggers of facial psoriasis include: Smoking Obesity Medications (such as lithium, hydroxychloroquine, or prednisone) Infections (especially yeast infections, such …

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How Do You Stop Guttate Psoriasis From Spreading? 12 Tips

Here are 12 tips for stopping guttate psoriasis from spreading Guttate psoriasis typically appears suddenly and can spread to other parts of the body. Since guttate psoriasis can be triggered by various factors, there is no definitive way to stop it from spreading. However, you can lower the risk of triggering a guttate psoriasis flare-up with the following preventative measures. …

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How Do You Fix Low Iron Deficiency?

What are iron deficiency symptoms? Iron is an essential mineral involved in numerous functions of the body. Fix iron deficiency by eating foods high in iron, regularly taking an iron supplement, getting IV iron, or getting a transfusion. Iron is an essential mineral involved in numerous functions of the body. The most important is the transport of oxygen throughout the …

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Do Biotin Supplements Cause or Treat Acne?

What is biotin? Biotin, also called B7 or vitamin H, is a vitamin your body uses mainly to convert proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into energy. You need biotin for normal health, but it’s not clear that it causes or treats acne. Biotin is essential for your general overall health. Your body doesn’t produce this vitamin, which means you have to …

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Is Genital Psoriasis Life-Threatening? Treatment & Prevention

Genital psoriasis is not an STD, but it can cause significant discomfort and embarrassment Genital psoriasis is neither life-threatening nor contagious. However, it can be uncomfortable and more difficult to treat than other types of psoriasis. Due to feelings of shame or embarrassment, many people with genital psoriasis avoid seeking medical treatment. In addition, the disease can also interfere with …

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Why Am I Suddenly Getting Ocular Migraines? Risk Factors & Triggers

Ocular migraine refers to repeated attacks of transient one-sided vision disturbance or blindness that is associated with minimal or no headache. The definitive reason behind ocular migraines is not well understood. The condition results due to changes in the blood vessels or nerves that supply the eyes. This may occur due to a combination of genetic factors, lifestyle, and environmental …

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Difference Between Retinal and Ocular Migraine: Symptoms, Triggers

Numerous factors can lead to a migraine, whether it’s ocular or retinal migraine. Although people may use the terms ocular migraine and retinal migraine to refer to the same thing, there are some important differences between them. An ocular migraine generally occurs in both eyes. A retinal migraine is rare and tends to involve just one eye. It occurs when …

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Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Increase Cardiovascular Risk? 4 Causes

Rheumatoid arthritis-related inflammation can affect the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease, which usually affects joints, and can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Studies revealed that the rate of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack or stroke, is much higher in people with RA than in …

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