
What Are the 2 Types of Lymphoma? Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin

Lymphomas are blood cancers that are typically divided into two types: Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin. Learn about types, symptoms, and treatment Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that develops in the immune cells called lymphocytes. Establishing a correct diagnosis is crucial to ensuring that the right treatment plan is prescribed. While there may be more …

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Is a Fissure a Lump? Anal Cancer Symptoms & Diagnosis

Anal fissures are small tears in the lining of the anus and can form a lump. While not cancerous itself, an anal fissure may be formed due to anal cancer Anal fissures are small tears in the lining of the anus and can form a lump or skin tag. They may be caused by the passage of hard stools with …

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How Do I Reduce Inflammation in My Body?

Inflammation is your body’s protective response to an injury or irritation. When your body suffers an external trauma, it responds by releasing white blood cells, whose chemicals enter your blood or tissues, defending against harmful agents. The body’s immune system also releases inflammatory cells and cytokines to the injured tissue to trap the offending agent and help with the healing …

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Does NF1 Get Worse With Age? Symptoms & Causes

NF1 can worsen with time, resulting in new growths over the body that cause major psychological and cosmetic issues. Regular screening is crucial Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is also referred to as Von Recklinghausen's disease, Von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis, and peripheral NF. Unfortunately, NF1 can worsen with time, resulting in new growths over the body that cause major psychological and cosmetic …

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Can a Good Immune System Prevent Cancer?

Understanding your immune system Medical research suggests that a strong immune system does protect against cancer. Experts don’t understand exactly how the immune system tells the difference between cancer cells and normal cells, but they know it’s possible. Your immune system is your body’s way of fighting off sickness, germs, and infection. Your immune system isn’t separate from other functions …

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Is Your Immune System Stronger After COVID-19?

Developing COVID-19 immunity A robust immune system protects you from getting sick following exposure to germs and viruses. Many people wonder if COVID-19 strengthens your immune system. The short answer is yes. Learn more about how recovering from COVID-19 makes your immune system stronger. Any time you catch a virus and recover from the illness, you retain antibodies. These antibodies …

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What Are the Top 10 Mental Health Issues and Illnesses?

One in four adult Americans will have a diagnosable mental disorder at any given time. Frequently, they will have more than one and these disorders could also occur with substance abuse. Typically, people who commit suicide often have a  mental illness that can be diagnosed. Mental health issues are prevalent. Here are the most common mental illnesses.  The 10 Most Common …

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What Is Opponent Process Theory in Psychology? 5 Examples

The opponent process theory is a theory of emotional and motivational states that may explain the psychological factors behind addiction The opponent process theory is a theory of emotional and motivational states that may explain the psychological factors behind addiction. Proposed by psychologist Richard Solomon, the theory pairs emotions as opposites, for example: Happiness and sadness Fear and relief  Pleasure …

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Can the Amount of Water You Drink Affect Hair Loss and Growth?

How does drinking enough water help your hair? The human body is 60% water. The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, while the skin consists of 63% water. Needless to say, staying hydrated is important.  Regarding the skin, your overall hydration level has a direct impact on it as well as your scalp. That's what causes dandruff — …

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Do Non-Drinkers Live Longer?

People have been consuming fermented beverages for centuries while debating the advantages and disadvantages. Even now, the debate continues whether alcohol consumption is good for your health or bad. Even though there is no solid evidence, current reports suggest that moderate drinkers have a longer lifespan than both nondrinkers and heavy drinkers. Is it healthy not to drink at all? …

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