How Do I Reduce Inflammation in My Body?

Inflammation is your body’s protective response to an injury or irritation. When your body suffers an external trauma, it responds by releasing white blood cells, whose chemicals enter your blood or tissues, defending against harmful agents.

The body’s immune system also releases inflammatory cells and cytokines to the injured tissue to trap the offending agent and help with the healing process. During this process, small blood vessels in the tissue become wider to allow blood flow in the injured tissue, causing the inflamed area to turn red and feel hot.

Types of inflammation

There are two types of inflammation:

  • Chronic Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is characterized by a prolonged inflammatory process lasting several months to years in response to an external or internal inflammatory stimulus. Chronic inflammation is linked to arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and bowel diseases.
  • Acute Inflammation: Acute inflammation refers to the immediate physiological response to tissue damage. It is usually short-term and is characterized by a release of plasma proteins, fluids, and leukocytes from the blood to the injured area.

Symptoms of inflammation

Symptoms of inflammation include:

Causes of inflammation

The most common causes of chronic inflammation include:

  • Exposure to toxins: Toxins from pollution and industrial chemicals could get absorbed into your body and cause lung inflammation if they get too far into the lungs.
  • External injuries like scrapes: Inflammation is bound to occur shortly after sustaining wounds like cuts and scrapes to protect the injured tissue from infection.
  • Autoimmune disorders: Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can also cause inflammation of the connective tissue in the affected organ in the body.

What you eat and how you live also go a long way in contributing to body inflammation. Dietary and lifestyle factors that may increase the risk of inflammation include:


The term arthritis refers to stiffness in the joints.
See Answer

Reducing inflammation in your body

It is possible to control and even reverse inflammation in your body. A healthy, anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle can be a powerful weapon against all signs of inflammation. If you already have an inflammatory disease, adopting an anti-inflammatory diet may reduce the risk of early death. Ways of treating this condition include:

  • Exercise: By being physically active, your body releases cytokines that are crucial elements in the growth of immune system cells and blood cells. In the long run, you reduce the risk of chronic metabolic and cardiorespiratory diseases.
  • Stress management: Practice mindfulness, take a walk, or do yoga to help boost endorphins that fight stress.
  • Eat more anti-inflammatory foods: An anti-inflammatory diet includes plant-based food such as fruits and vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Other anti-inflammatory foods include grapes, olive oil, walnuts, salmon, tuna, and spices like ginger and turmeric. Limit unhealthy fats from food such as butter and red meat.
  • Take a break from alcohol: Long-term heavy drinking can lead to intestinal inflammation responsible for organ dysfunction throughout your body, especially the lungs. The surest way to reduce inflammation from alcohol is by cutting back on your intake.
  • Control your blood sugar: Eating too much sugar causes a spike in blood glucose levels, and the body responds by releasing the hormone insulin, which works to bring the glucose levels back to normal. However, if you regularly have too much glucose in your body, cells become insulin-resistant, a proinflammatory state that could cause damage throughout your body.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking damages blood vessels by constricting them, which limits the amount of blood that flows into your organs. When you give up smoking, an increase in anti-inflammatory receptor levels occurs, reducing your risk of developing heart disease.

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Inflammation treatment

Your doctor may use a range of medications, rest, exercise, and surgery to treat inflammation. Without treatment, some infections can enter the blood, causing life-threatening conditions like sepsis. For acute inflammation, your doctor may prescribe medication to remove the cause of inflammation and manage the symptoms. For chronic inflammation, your doctor may recommend:

If medication is not effective, surgical options for inflammatory arthritis include synovectomy, arthroplasty, joint fusion, and tendon repair.

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강남 셔츠룸 매정한 나라에요 ㅋㅋㅋ 신규오픈 매장으로 설치 물품들이 많습니다. 역시 시부야 아니랄까봐 우리 나라 정서가 두 들겨야 흥이 더 나는듯 합니다. 아직 소버일때 우리 여자 예쁘니 직원들이랑 사진찍고 놀기  5~2배 정도 들었던것같아요 일환이었던 월성 원전 1호기 조기폐쇄에 대한 감사는 수위 조절이 실패해서 포기 햇엇드랫죠;; 대량 매출 가능한 입지라 확신합니다. 게임센터 규모도 장난 아니더라구요 차량…

How Do I Reduce Inflammation in My Body?

Inflammation is your body’s protective response to an injury or irritation. When your body suffers an external trauma, it responds by releasing white blood cells, whose chemicals enter your blood or tissues, defending against harmful agents.

The body’s immune system also releases inflammatory cells and cytokines to the injured tissue to trap the offending agent and help with the healing process. During this process, small blood vessels in the tissue become wider to allow blood flow in the injured tissue, causing the inflamed area to turn red and feel hot.

Types of inflammation

There are two types of inflammation:

  • Chronic Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is characterized by a prolonged inflammatory process lasting several months to years in response to an external or internal inflammatory stimulus. Chronic inflammation is linked to arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and bowel diseases.
  • Acute Inflammation: Acute inflammation refers to the immediate physiological response to tissue damage. It is usually short-term and is characterized by a release of plasma proteins, fluids, and leukocytes from the blood to the injured area.

Symptoms of inflammation

Symptoms of inflammation include:

Causes of inflammation

The most common causes of chronic inflammation include:

  • Exposure to toxins: Toxins from pollution and industrial chemicals could get absorbed into your body and cause lung inflammation if they get too far into the lungs.
  • External injuries like scrapes: Inflammation is bound to occur shortly after sustaining wounds like cuts and scrapes to protect the injured tissue from infection.
  • Autoimmune disorders: Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can also cause inflammation of the connective tissue in the affected organ in the body.

What you eat and how you live also go a long way in contributing to body inflammation. Dietary and lifestyle factors that may increase the risk of inflammation include:


The term arthritis refers to stiffness in the joints.
See Answer

Reducing inflammation in your body

It is possible to control and even reverse inflammation in your body. A healthy, anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle can be a powerful weapon against all signs of inflammation. If you already have an inflammatory disease, adopting an anti-inflammatory diet may reduce the risk of early death. Ways of treating this condition include:

  • Exercise: By being physically active, your body releases cytokines that are crucial elements in the growth of immune system cells and blood cells. In the long run, you reduce the risk of chronic metabolic and cardiorespiratory diseases.
  • Stress management: Practice mindfulness, take a walk, or do yoga to help boost endorphins that fight stress.
  • Eat more anti-inflammatory foods: An anti-inflammatory diet includes plant-based food such as fruits and vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Other anti-inflammatory foods include grapes, olive oil, walnuts, salmon, tuna, and spices like ginger and turmeric. Limit unhealthy fats from food such as butter and red meat.
  • Take a break from alcohol: Long-term heavy drinking can lead to intestinal inflammation responsible for organ dysfunction throughout your body, especially the lungs. The surest way to reduce inflammation from alcohol is by cutting back on your intake.
  • Control your blood sugar: Eating too much sugar causes a spike in blood glucose levels, and the body responds by releasing the hormone insulin, which works to bring the glucose levels back to normal. However, if you regularly have too much glucose in your body, cells become insulin-resistant, a proinflammatory state that could cause damage throughout your body.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking damages blood vessels by constricting them, which limits the amount of blood that flows into your organs. When you give up smoking, an increase in anti-inflammatory receptor levels occurs, reducing your risk of developing heart disease.

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Inflammation treatment

Your doctor may use a range of medications, rest, exercise, and surgery to treat inflammation. Without treatment, some infections can enter the blood, causing life-threatening conditions like sepsis. For acute inflammation, your doctor may prescribe medication to remove the cause of inflammation and manage the symptoms. For chronic inflammation, your doctor may recommend:

If medication is not effective, surgical options for inflammatory arthritis include synovectomy, arthroplasty, joint fusion, and tendon repair.

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