health and living

What Weight Should I Be for My Height and Age? Chart & Waist Size

Knowing one’s ideal weight and current weight is important. Knowing one’s ideal weight and current weight is important.  Being overweight or underweight may lead to various health issues. The center for disease prevention and control (CDC) prescribes two main screening tools to know the weight status concerning disease risk: Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist …

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How Couples Can Lose Weight Together

Losing weight and sustaining weight loss is challenging. Couples can lose weight together by spending time outdoors, making love, making meal plans, working out together and dancing together. Losing weight and sustaining weight loss is challenging. However, trying to lose weight together with your partner can make it easier. You can motivate each other, set out workout goals and have …

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Which Medications Cause the Most Weight Gain?

Weight loss eludes you despite you eating right and exercising daily. Medications that may be associated with weight gain include antidepressants, steroids, diabetes medications, mood stabilizers, blood pressure medications, seizure medications, migraine medications, antiretroviral medications, contraceptives and others. Your weight loss eludes you despite you eating right and exercising daily. What might be the cause? Well, the medicines you take …

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Why Do Guys Lose Weight So Fast?

Men tend to lose weight faster than women. The reason that men lose weight faster than women includes that women are hormonally wired to store more fat; men and women store fat differently; menstruation triggers stress eating; men lose more water weight than women; men have more muscle than women and other factors. Although it seems unfair that men tend …

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What Are the Medicinal Uses of Honey?

Honey is a natural substance that has been used for several medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The medicinal uses of honey include that it boosts immunity, serotonin and antioxidants; it is antibacterial; it reduces stress and anxiety and it has many other uses. Honey is a natural substance that has been used for several medicinal purposes for thousands of …

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What Are Some Good Home-Cooked Meals?

A well-balanced and healthy diet plays an important role in good health. Some good home-cooked meals include lemon chicken, grilled pawns, soups, pasta, turkey stew and one-pot sticky salmon. A well-balanced and healthy diet plays an important role in good health. Several good home-cooked dishes can be prepared based on one’s preference, taste and cuisine. Additionally, quality time spent over …

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Top 11 Signs You Are in Ketosis

Ketosis is defined as a natural metabolic process that involves the production of energy from the breakdown of fat into ketone bodies. Signs that suggest you are in ketosis include fatigue, bad breath, dry mouth, weight loss, flu-like symptoms and decreased hunger and thirst. Ketosis is defined as a natural metabolic process that involves the production of energy from the …

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What Is the Best Protein Powder?

Protein is one of the three macronutrients required by the body for optimum growth, development and functioning. The best protein powder has the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats and calories and doesn't have any contaminants or unhealthy additives. Protein is one of the three macronutrients (the other two being carbohydrates and fats) required by the body for optimum growth, …

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What Are the Benefits of Creatine?

Creatine is a popular supplement in the fitness industry for improving lean muscle mass, building stamina and boosting exercise ability. The notion of health and fitness has evolved over the years. Nowadays, the prime emphasis is on getting lean and not on improving strength, exercise performance and gaining healthy muscle mass. Creatine is a popular supplement in the fitness industry …

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What Does Red Light Therapy Do?

What is red light therapy? Red light therapy or RLT is a type of therapy that exposes you to low levels of red or near-infrared light for treating certain conditions, such as skin and muscle issues. Red light therapy is good for skin health, wound healing, pain relief and other things. Light has been a subject of interest since the …

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