Tag Archives: health and living

How Bad Is Bacon for You?

The problem with processed meats Bacon is a type of processed meat. Americans eat a tremendous amount of bacon every year despite warnings that bacon is associated with numerous diseases and health problems. While you probably know that bacon isn't the healthiest food you can eat, you may be wondering if it's really that bad …

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How Do You Go From Flab to Abs?

Ways to lose belly fat In order to lose weight and get rid of belly flab, you have to eat better and do some abdominal exercises. Your core is made up of long muscles in the front called rectus abdominis, obliques on your sides, and the transversus abdominis across your front. Equally important to your core are your back muscles …

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What Are the 5 Main Food Groups? Healthy Diet Tips

The MyPlate model shows the five food groups (fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains/starch, and dairy) in a proportion set, making it easier to understand the types of food and quantity to include in each meal. The key to eating well is to enjoy a variety of nutritious foods from each of the Five Food Groups, which include: Fruits and vegetables Carbohydrates or starch Proteins Fats Dairy How do …

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How Do You Burn Fat Really Fast?

Weight gain is a common concern. You can reduce fat by knowing your shape, maintaining a healthy diet, focusing on your carbs intake, and exercising. Weight gain is a common concern. Many people find that they tend to gain weight around their midsection, which is dangerous. Learn how to reduce fat with these eight ways to burn fat fast. Understand …

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What Is Taurine and What Does It Do to the Body? Benefits

Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that occurs naturally in your body and plays an important role in brain and heart health Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that naturally occurs in different parts of the body, including the heart, muscles, blood, brain, and eyes. Also called amino sulfuric acid, taurine may help the body by: Supporting nerve growth Fine-tuning …

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What Is Urine Re and CS Test? Urinalysis & Urine Culture

Urine Re and CS stand for urine routine examination and urine culture sensitivity test. Learn about what’s involved Urine Re and CS stand for urine routine examination and urine culture sensitivity test: Urine Re, or urinalysis: Analyzes a urine sample for its appearance, concentration, and content Used for detecting a wide range of health issues, including: Urinary tract infections Kidney …

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Why Is It Called the Yips? Yips Meaning, Symptoms & Causes

What are the yips? The term may have been popularized by former golf player Tommy Armour The yips are involuntary wrist spasms experienced most commonly by golfers when trying to putt and chip or when in full swing. Although the origin of the term is unclear, “yips” may have been popularized by former golf player and coach Tommy Armour. The …

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Which Exercises to Avoid With Lower Back Pain? 8 Workouts

Doctors recommend strengthening exercises to help relieve low back pain, however, here are eight workouts to avoid potentially worsening your chronic pain. Pain in the lower back is one of the most common causes of chronic pain in adults. Having this pain makes it very difficult for a person to carry out their day-to-day activities, especially when bending or sitting. …

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What Is Hypokalemia?

Hypokalemia is defined as decreased potassium levels in the body.  A low potassium level increases the risk of stroke, higher blood pressure, increases the risk of kidney stones, lowers muscle mass and bone density. Hypokalemia is defined as decreased potassium levels in the body. Potassium is a micro-mineral, an electrolyte that is required for the proper functioning of the heart, …

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What Is the Best Exercise for Lower Back Pain? 7 Best Exercises

Here are the seven best exercises for relieving and preventing lower back pain. Lower back pain is one of the most common health problems that people face today. Keeping yourself physically active and including regular stretching into your daily routine can help to reduce and prevent future back pain. Deep stretching reduces muscle tension around the spine, which is essential …

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