In rare cases, a Bartholin’s cyst may be caused by STIs such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. However, the cyst itself is not an STD A Bartholin’s cyst is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). In rare cases, a Bartholin’s cyst may be caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. However, the …
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What Causes Shivering? 14 Causes, COVID-19
14 possible causes of shivering Shivering is a natural bodily response to various situations. Here are 14 causes of shivering, which include dehydration, temperature drop, and infection. There are numerous reasons why a person may experience shaking. Shivering is a common bodily reaction that occurs when the body attempts to warm itself. It is the rapid contraction and relaxation of …
Read More »Is Tea or Coffee Better for Your Health?
Tea vs. coffee Tea is generally safe, even in large amounts. While coffee is also safe to drink, high amounts can cause some problems. After water, tea is the most popular drink in the world. It’s made from steeping dried leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant and is commonly called black tea. Tea leaves are crushed, dried, and fermented to …
Read More »What Are the Benefits and Risks of Circumcision?
Is circumcision good or bad? Overall, circumcision is relatively healthy and comes with several sexual and reproductive health benefits. Circumcision is a surgical procedure where a doctor removes the skin covering the tip of your penis. In many parts of the world, including the United States, it is common for newborn boys to be circumcised. You can undergo circumcision at …
Read More »When Should I See a Doctor for an Internal Stye? 7 Signs, Treatment
7 signs that necessitates medical attention for an internal stye Here are 7 signs that necessitate medical attention for an internal stye, which includes bleeding, impaired vision, and bulging of the eyes. Here are 7 signs that indicate medical attention is required for an internal stye: No progress over the first few days or if the stye might persist up …
Read More »How Do You Detect Oral Cancer? 6 Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis
Performing self-examinations of your mouth, tongue, and cheeks is one of the best ways to routinely detect oral cancer. One of the best ways to routinely detect mouth cancer at home is to examine your: Tongue Inside of your cheeks Floor of your mouth Lips Roof of your mouth Gums Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, is a type …
Read More »Why Do I Wake Up Feeling Nauseated? Morning Sickness
12 causes of nausea in the morning (on waking up) Here are 12 causes of waking up feeling nauseated in the morning, which include low blood sugar levels, GERD, constipation, and pregnancy (morning sickness). The most common causes of waking up in the morning feeling nauseated include: Low blood sugar levels: When waking up in the morning, there can be …
Read More »What Does Big Blood Clots in Period Mean? Heavy Bleeding
It is normal to pass blood clots occasionally during menstruation; however, frequently passing large blood clots could be a sign of any underlying issue. When you pass blood clots during your periods occasionally, it is normal. Many women pass blood clots on the second or third day of their periods. However, if the bleeding is very heavy during all days …
Read More »What Is Macrocytic Anemia? Causes
Macrocytic anemia is a condition in which red blood cells are larger than normal and hemoglobin levels in the blood are low Macrocytic anemia is a condition in which red blood cells are larger than normal and hemoglobin levels in the blood are low due to increased RBC destruction. Enlarged red blood cells (macrocytosis) are more prone to rupture before …
Read More »How Do You Get Rid of an Ingrown Toenail? Home Remedies
If you have an ingrown toenail without significant pain, redness, or pus discharge, you can get rid of it with a few simple home remedies If you have an ingrown toenail without significant pain, redness, or pus discharge, you can get rid of it with a few simple home remedies: Soak your feet in warm water 4 times a day …
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