health and living

How long does it take a UTI to turn into a kidney infection?

What are kidney infections? Failing to treat a urinary tract infection can lead to serious health problems, including kidney infections. If you have lingering symptoms, or recurrent UTIs, it is important to see your medical provider. Kidney infections, also referred to as pyelonephritis, are a serious type of urinary tract infection (UTI). This infection occurs …

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7 Common Diet Mistakes: Weight Loss Tips, Why Diets Fail

Learn seven common diet mistakes that may be inadvertently ruining your weight loss journey. Many believe dieting simply means “eat this, not that!” However, there are several other things you must focus on when dieting, which can range from setting a realistic weight loss goal to making wise food choices. Dieting appears to have many rules, so it is quite …

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How Is Anterior Epistaxis Treated? 6 Steps, Nose Bleed Management

Learn six steps to stop epistaxis, as well as the management techniques used by clinicians. Epistaxis is bleeding from the nasal mucosa and is the most prevalent emergency in otorhinolaryngology. Epistaxis is of two types, anterior and posterior epistaxis, both of which have a prevalence of 10 to 12 percent. Kiesselbach's plexus (also called Little's area) on the anterior nasal …

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7 “Must-Have” Medicines: Basic First Aid Checklist

Learn the seven common “must-have” medicines and first aid supplies to have on hand in case of emergencies. A well-stocked medicine cabinet is essential for every household to treat a minor illness or injury, such as headache, runny nose, aches and pains, and insect bites. These items can help ensure a healthy and safe life. Here are some suggestions of …

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What Is Distraction Osteogenesis in Orthodontics?

Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is a surgical technique used by orthodontists to reconstruct and recontour the facial skeleton caused by birth defects, trauma, and fractures Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is a surgical technique used by orthodontists to reconstruct and recontour the facial skeleton caused by birth defects, trauma, and fractures.  Distraction osteogenesis is incredibly versatile and can be applied to almost any …

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What Is Considered Sitting Disease? Sedentary Lifestyle

Sitting disease is a term used to refer to 34 chronic conditions that are associated with a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise Our bodies are designed to be active. However, with changes in lifestyle brought about by technological advances that make our lives easier, humans have become more and more sedentary. Sitting disease is a term used to refer …

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What Exercise Can I Do in 2nd Trimester?

Why you should exercise Women without any form of medical complications can safely start or keep on exercising during a second-trimester pregnancy. Exercises a woman can do in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy include walking, swimming, stationary cycling, and yoga and Pilates. Women without any form of medical complications can safely start or keep on exercising during a second-trimester pregnancy. …

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Where Do We Lose Most of Our Heat? Regulate Body Temperature

Four channels by which body heat is lost include the lungs, skin, while eating or drinking, and during waste elimination. It's critical to understand how your body gains and losses heat to stay as warm as possible, particularly in harsh conditions such as on a camping trip. The human body must maintain a steady temperature range for the organs to …

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Multivitamins: Supplement Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: multivitamins Brand Names: Folgard, Natalins Rx, Nestabs CBF, Nestabs FA Drug Class: Vitamins, Combos What are multivitamins, and what are they used for? Multivitamins are a combination of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, each of which plays different roles in maintaining good health and normal functioning of the body. Multivitamins are available in many different combinations, but the most …

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Part of the Body That Loses Most Heat in Cold Water: Hypothermia

Due to a higher blood flow in the head and neck than in the rest of the body, 40 to 45 percent of body heat is lost through the head and neck. The body constantly generates and radiates heat to its surroundings. The body loses most of its heat when submerged in cold water from the head, neck, sides of …

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