Tag Archives: health and living

How Can I Control My Anger at Work?

Control anger at work Our overall well-being depends not only on our physical health but also on our emotional health. Our overall well-being depends not only on our physical health but also on our emotional health. There are several kinds of emotions, such as happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anger. Happiness is the emotion everyone …

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What Are Shoulder Muscles Called?

What are shoulder muscles called? Shoulder muscles are required for movements of the upper limb. They also give the shoulders their characteristic shape. The shoulder has multiple muscles. Shoulder muscles include the intrinsic muscles or scapulohumeral group, including the deltoid, teres major and four rotator cuff muscles. The extrinsic shoulder muscles are the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, levator scapula and rhomboids …

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What Does the Thymus Do?

The thymus gland is a small organ located in the chest between the lungs The thymus gland is a small organ located in the chest between the lungs and behind the breastbone (sternum). This gland increases in size till puberty and then shrinks till it is eventually replaced by fatty tissue. This decline in size is called involution. The main …

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What Is the Difference Between IBD and IBS?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are diseases of the intestine. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are diseases of the intestine. Both the diseases share common symptoms such as fatigue, distressing bowel movements, tummy pain, and the need to pass motions right away. However, IBD is a result of specific changes in the …

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How Does Belladonna Work?

Atropa belladonna (also referred to as belladonna and deadly nightshade) is a poisonous plant. Atropa belladonna (also referred to as belladonna and deadly nightshade) is a poisonous plant. Interestingly, its leaves and roots are used in appropriate amounts to make medicine. It contains important alkaloids, including scopolamine and hyoscyamine. These constituent alkaloids are used as anticholinergic drugs that are used …

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What Are the Benefits of Kelp?

Kelp is a type of brown algae that usually grows in cool, relatively shallow waters close to the shore. Kelp is a type of brown algae that usually grows in cool, relatively shallow waters close to the shore. Kelp, also known as kombu in Japanese, is mostly used in Japanese dishes, such as miso soup and udon noodles. Kelp forests …

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How Do You Calculate Body Fat Percentage?

Calculating body fat You should also aim to reduce a few inches of fat from your body. When you are trying to lose weight, your focus should not be on just weighing less on the scale. You should also aim to reduce a few inches of fat from your body. Lack of physical activities and dietary control cause the excess …

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What Can Happen if Your Potassium Level Is Too Low?

A low blood potassium level is medically known as hypokalemia. A low blood potassium level is medically known as hypokalemia. A blood test is sufficient to confirm its diagnosis. Levels under 3.5 mEq/L (3.5 mmol/L) are considered low. Moderate hypokalemia is the level of 2.5-3.0 mEq/L. Levels under 2.5 mEq/L are considered too low and known as severe hypokalemia. These …

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How Does Hemlock Kill You?

The hemlock plant, known as poison hemlock, is poisonous. Disclaimer: This article is only meant to dispense medical knowledge about hemlock and its adverse events, as well as its management. It is strongly recommended not to touch or be in contact with hemlock, and inform the concerned authorities if hemlock grows in your vicinity. The hemlock plant, known as poison …

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What Is L-Arginine Used For?

Arginine, also known as L-arginine, belongs to a group of amino acids. Owing to the beneficial functions of L-arginine, It is used to improve blood circulation and maintain heart health. It is used to enhance the brain’s cognitive function. It has been used to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s, but the evidence is inconclusive. It is used to improve fertility …

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