Tag Archives: health and living

What Is Borax Used For?

Borax is mainly used for cleaning purposes and as a pesticide. Pesticides: Borax is mainly used for cleaning purposes and as a pesticide. When used as a pesticide, it is effective against the following: Insects Spiders Mites Algae Molds Fungi Weeds Household applications: Household applications of borax include: Specialty toothpaste and mouthwash Cosmetics such as …

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What Do Moths Do to Humans?

Moths are types of insects with scaly wings. Moths are types of insects with scaly wings. You can often spot them at night near outdoor lights, such as street lamps. There are various species of adult moths but most of them do not bite because they do not have a mouth. Many are also less likely to sting you. There …

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What Does Kickboxing Do to Your Body?

Kickboxing Kickboxing is a versatile martial art that helps strengthen your body and increases your stamina. Kickboxing is a versatile martial art that helps strengthen your body and increases your stamina. It involves kicking and punching in the air or on pads/punching bags. Here are the benefits that come with kickboxing: Acts as a full-body workout: If you do it …

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What Are Lunges Good For?

Lunges are a type of lower body exercise that is good for toning your thighs and hips. Lunges are a type of lower body exercise that is good for toning your thighs and hips. This exercise forms a part of almost all workout regimes that target weight loss and core muscle training. They help increase your muscle mass and muscle …

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Why Are Best Friends So Important?

Best friends Having someone to lean on during stressful times is a great thing to have. Having someone to lean on during stressful times is a great thing to have. Of course, you have your family. However, sometimes you are not comfortable sharing certain things with them. Here comes the role of your best friends. Here are a few reasons …

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What Is Chlorine Used For?

Chlorine uses Chlorine is one of the 94 naturally occurring elements on the planet. Chlorine is used as a disinfectant and in manufacturing of PVC, pharmaceutical drugs, detergents, solvents, products for solar energy and other products. Chlorine is one of the 94 naturally occurring elements on the planet. It is widely distributed in the earth’s crust, water bodies, plants, animals …

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What Does iPLEDGE Stand For?

iPLEDGE stands for a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy iPLEDGE stands for a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy (REMS) program developed for patients who take the medication isotretinoin for acne. REMS is a set of rules and steps that applies to consumers (patients), drug manufacturers, doctors, and pharmacists to ensure that all know the risks associated with certain medications. REMS …

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What Do You Mean by LASER? Laser Therapy

A laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a technology that emits a special kind of intense light A laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a technology that emits a special kind of intense light that travels in a narrow beam. Laser therapy in medicine uses this strong beam of light to cut, burn, or …

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What Are the Symptoms of Worm Infestation in Humans? 6 Common Types

Worm infestation occurs in humans when parasitic worms, also known as intestinal worms, live and grow inside the body. Some of the common symptoms include: Abdominal pain Intestinal cramps and colic Diarrhea Dysentery (loose stools containing blood and mucus) Nausea or vomiting Gas or bloating Fatigue Weight loss Additionally, each worm infection has the following distinct signs and symptoms: Pinworm …

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What Is a Thai Full Body Massage? 5 Main Benefits & Risks

Thai massage has been around for over 2,500 years. Traditional Thai massage differs from other types of massages in the following ways: The massage generally follows the imaginary designated lines ("sen") in the body. The therapist uses their hands (thumbs, elbows, forearms) and sometimes, even their feet to reduce tension in the muscles. The massage does not use oils or …

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