Tag Archives: health and living

Vitamin D Deficiency: 9 Symptoms & Signs, Treatment, Causes & Charts

Vitamins are considered essential nutrients because either your body cannot make them or they are made in inadequate amounts to prevent negative health consequences or diseases.Source: Bigstock What is vitamin D? The "sunshine" vitamin is a hot topic. You may have recently found out that you are deficient or know someone who is. It's shocking …

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What Is Arginine Used For?

Arginine, also known as L-arginine, is one of the many amino acids that help the body produce proteins. Arginine, also known as L-arginine, is one of the many amino acids that help the body produce proteins. It can be consumed as part of your diet through plant and animal foods, such as dairy products, nuts, meat, poultry, and fish. It …

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What Is Aromatherapy and What Are Its Benefits?

Aromatherapy is a complementary medical approach used by trained professionals. Aromatherapy is a complementary medical approach used by trained professionals. It involves the use of concentrated essential oils that are distilled from plants (flowers, stalks, and leaves) for their therapeutic properties. These essential oils can be prepared and used in numerous ways: to be inhaled, massaged into the skin in …

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What Are the Symptoms and Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency?

What is vitamin D deficiency? Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include muscle aches and weakness, bone pain, muscle spasms, painful walking, and bone fractures. Causes of vitamin D deficiency include not enough sunlight, not enough in your diet, kidney or liver disease, malabsorption disorder, and medications. Vitamin D deficiency is common around the world. Though Vitamin D is called a …

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What Should I Expect at 5 Weeks Pregnant? 13 Changes

The fifth week of pregnancy is usually the time when you have just discovered that you are pregnant. The fifth week of pregnancy is usually the time when you have just discovered that you are pregnant. This is the time when you have missed your periods, and you take a urine pregnancy test that turns out to be positive. You …

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What Is Refraction?

In medicine, refraction is the bending of light rays that takes place in the eye. A refraction test, also known as a vision test, is an eye examination that is performed to determine a person's prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. It is commonly performed as part of a comprehensive eye examination to determine refractive errors. When light incorrectly refracts …

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How Do You Trigger Autophagy?

Triggering autophagy The term “autophagy” is derived from a Greek word that means “self-eating.” The term “autophagy” is derived from a Greek word that means “self-eating.” Autophagy is a vital process that helps eliminate unwanted materials from the body to make way for new ones. It means consuming your own cells, especially the damaged ones. The understanding of autophagy is …

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What Causes Cachexia?

Cachexia or wasting syndrome involves a complex change in the body Cachexia or wasting syndrome involves a complex change in the body, causing the body to lose weight and muscles. There isn’t clear evidence as to how cachexia occurs. With cachexia, the cells in the muscles, fat, and liver fail to respond well to the hormone insulin. As a result, …

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What Does Riboflavin Do for the Body?

Most of the consumed riboflavin is released into its free form in the stomach. Most of the consumed riboflavin is released into its free form in the stomach and is rapidly absorbed by the small intestine. In the intestinal mucosal cells (the inner lining of the bowel), it is converted to its active forms called flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and …

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What Is Lye Used For?

Lye is used to cure many types of food. Lye has several uses and is used for the following: Food industry: Lye is used to cure many types of food. Curing is the process of partially cooking meat. Soap making: Lye in the form of both sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) is used in making soaps. Lye is added to …

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