Tag Archives: health and living

What Are the 4 Types of Reinforcement?

Reinforcement tames unwanted behavior or encourages acceptable behavior. In behavioral psychology, reinforcement is a technique that is responsible for learned behavior. Reinforce means to strengthen or to encourage. The four types of reinforcement include: Positive reinforcement: This involves adding something to increase response, such as praising a child when they complete a designated task. This …

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How Bad Do Rook Piercings Hurt?

A rook piercing is done through the inner edge of the uppermost ridge in your ear. A rook piercing is done through the inner edge of the uppermost ridge in your ear. Rook piercings can be painful because they target the thickest and hardest tissue that doesn’t pierce as easily as soft earlobes. The rook is a fold of cartilage, which means …

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What Is a Spirometer Used For?

A spirometer measures the breathing capacity of your lungs. A spirometer measures the breathing capacity of your lungs. It correlates the amount of air you can breathe out in 1 second and the total volume of air you can exhale in one forced breath. It is used to diagnose chronic lung condition such as: Asthma (especially exercise-induced asthma) Occupational-related lung …

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What Does It Mean When Your Monocytes Are High?

Monocytosis or a monocyte count higher than 800/µL in adults indicates that the body is fighting an infection. Monocytosis or a monocyte count higher than 800/µL in adults indicates that the body is fighting an infection. Some conditions that may attribute to a high monocyte count include: Viral infections such as infectious mononucleosis, mumps, and measles Parasitic infections such as …

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What Is an Example of Repression Defense Mechanism?

A defense mechanism is a way to escape from unpleasant thoughts, events, or actions. Repression or dis-associative amnesia involves pushing the unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and impulses deep into the unconscious part of the mind. In other words, the person completely forgets the act and the circumstances surrounding it. Repression is thought to give rise to anxiety, which starts when a forbidden …

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What Do Lateral Raises Do?

What do lateral raises do? The lateral raise or side lateral raises are effective shoulder-strengthening exercises that help tone your shoulder muscles and a part of the upper back muscles. Lateral raise exercise targets the deltoid muscles and some trapezius fibers as well. The lateral raise or side lateral raises are effective shoulder-strengthening exercises that help tone your shoulder muscles …

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Is Tumor a Cancer?

A tumor is a mass or lump of tissue in an organ. A tumor is a mass or lump of tissue in an organ. In a healthy body, cells grow, divide, and are replaced by new cells. In the case of a tumor, the rate of cell multiplication is more than cell destruction. The word tumor is often associated with …

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What Qualifies Someone as a Dependent?

Generally, dependents are spouses and/or any kids under 26 years old. Generally, dependents are spouses and/or any kids under 26 years old. A child can be biological, legally adopted, or a stepchild. A dependent may be qualified based on the below parameters: Parents: A legal father or mother can be dependents if that parent is either more than 65 years …

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What Is Rose Water Good For?

What is rose water good for? Rose water is flavored water that is of medicinal, cultural and religious importance in various places all around the world. Rose water offers various cosmetic and health benefits because of the presence of phenolic compounds, volatile oils and aromatic compounds in it. It seems to be good for the skin, hair, mind, throat and …

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Why Are Black Currant Banned in America?

Black currant ban Blackcurrant bushes were grown in America back in the 1629s Blackcurrant bushes were grown in America back in the 1629s, but in 1911, the professional cultivation of the plant was banned. It is a carrier of a fungus called white pine blister rust. Hence, blackcurrant was declared illegal to protect pine forests. However, the fungus doesn’t cross …

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