Tag Archives: health and living

What Does It Mean if Your Nails Are White?

White nail causes White nails are indicative of any or a combination of the conditions including anemia, overuse of nail polish, weak nails, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and liver disease. The white nails are indicative of any or a combination of the conditions below Anemia or low red cell count Overuse of …

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What Are Examples of Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are defined as statements that affirm something to be true. Positive affirmations are defined as statements that affirm something to be true. To explain, positive affirmations generally mean positive phrases that a person repeats to themselves to describe how they want to be. Positive affirmations are positive phrases or statements used to challenge and eliminate negative or unhelpful thoughts …

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What Is the Most Effective Core Exercise?

The core is a collection of muscles that stabilize, rotate and move the spine. A healthy core translates into a stronger lower back and better balance. The most effective core exercises are dead bug, side plank, front plant, vertical leg crunches, flutter kicks, Russian twists and the hollow body hold and hang. The core is a collection of muscles that stabilize, rotate …

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What Does a Patient Need for Telemedicine?

The perquisites for a telemedicine consultation are a charged device, an internet connection, the necessary app, a place to conduct the visit, headphones or earphones, pictures or medical reports and a pen and paper. The perquisites for a telemedicine consultation are A phone, tablet or computer. A charged device. A reliable internet connection. Download the necessary app. Ensure that you …

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How Can I Correct My Posture?

Posture A good posture is not just aesthetically pleasing. Almost all of us have had stern words from our parents to correct our hunching or slouching postures during childhood. A good posture is not just aesthetically pleasing. Also, it is the most natural way to maintain a healthy spine and other joints. When you stand straight with shoulders thrown back …

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What Is the Life Expectancy of a Person With Neurofibromatosis?

Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a genetic neurological disorder that causes tumors to form on the nerve tissue. Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a genetic neurological disorder that causes tumors to form on the nerve tissue. These tumors, also known as neurofibromas, can develop in any part of the nervous system—the brain, spinal cord, and nerves supplying body parts. Typically, the tumors are noncancerous …

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What Happens in a Cervical Dilation? Labor Sign

Cervical dilation Dilation of the cervix means widening of the cervix that occurs normally at the end of pregnancy to allow the passage of the baby through the birth canal. The cervix is also called the mouth of the womb. It is a cylindrical structure (made up of connective tissue fibers and muscles) connecting the uterus with the vagina. The …

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What Are the Three Types of Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are a group of mental health issues Based on people’s features, signs, and symptoms, personality disorders are grouped into three main types called clusters: cluster A, cluster B, and cluster C. Each cluster is further divided into more subtypes. Cluster A People with cluster A personality disorder have odd or eccentric behavior. They are suspicious and have difficulty …

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What Are the Benefits of Drinking Cranberry Juice?

Cranberry juice Cranberries are lauded for their various health benefits. Cranberries, also called American cranberries or bearberries, are the fruits of the evergreen cranberry shrub. The cranberry plant (scientific name: Vaccinium macrocarpon) is a small creeping or trailing plant that belongs to the Ericaceae family. It grows extensively in the wet areas of the North-Eastern and North-Central parts of the …

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What Are the Benefits of Vitamin D?

What is vitamin D? You need vitamin D for a handful of reasons including keeping your bones strong as it helps with the absorption of other essential nutrients like calcium and phosphorus — the building blocks of your bones. Vitamin D is a hormone your body produces when you come into contact with sunlight. It’s also a fat soluble vitamin …

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