Tag Archives: health and living

How Do You Check Your Colon?

Colon Colon screening may be done in several ways. Screening exams are powerful tools to detect colorectal cancer. Colon screening may be done in several ways. Screening exams are powerful tools to detect colorectal cancer. Regular screenings enable physicians to detect cancer early. They can also identify and remove polyps and growths of tissue on …

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What Are the 5 Ps of Compartment Syndrome?

Compartment syndrome is a very painful condition that occurs when the pressure in and around the muscles increases. Compartment syndrome is a very painful condition that occurs when the pressure in and around the muscles increases. A compartment is a group of muscles, nerves and blood vessels covered by a thin, firm membrane called a fascia. In compartment syndrome, the …

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What Foods Trigger Fibromyalgia Pain? Diet & Nutrition

Foods that trigger fibromyalgia pain may include processed foods and refined carbohydrates Foods that trigger fibromyalgia pain vary from one person to the next, and what may worsen your symptoms may not have the same effect on someone else. To figure out what foods to avoid, you may want to try an elimination diet and keep a detailed food diary …

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What Foods Are Good for Fibromyalgia? Diet & Nutrition

Fruits, vegetables and lean proteins that are rich in nutrients can help you manage fibromyalgia symptoms Fibromyalgia is a long-term medical condition that causes pain, muscle soreness and fatigue, often accompanied by depressed mood and sleep problems.  If you suffer from fibromyalgia, dietary changes may help you manage some of your symptoms. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and …

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What Is the Main Cause of Testicular Cancer?

Like most types of cancer, it is difficult to identify the exact cause of testicular cancer. Like most types of cancer, it is difficult to identify the exact cause of testicular cancer. Testicular cancer may be caused by genetic mutations in the cell DNA. Studies are being conducted to learn how certain changes in a cell’s DNA can cause the …

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What Is Vitamin K Good For? Uses & Benefits

Vitamin K helps with blood clotting and bone building Vitamin K helps your body make proteins that are needed for blood clotting and the building of healthy bones.  Main uses Preventing hemorrhagic disease in newborns: Vitamin K shots can help prevent bleeding problems in newborns with low levels of vitamin K. Treating and preventing bleeding problems in people with low …

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Is Petrosal Sinus Sampling Painful? Procedure

Petrosal sinus sampling is an invasive procedure where blood samples are taken from each side of the veins that drain into the pituitary gland. Although the procedure is not painful, you may experience minor pain when the catheter (tubing) is passed through the veins. You may also experience pain at the puncture site. What is petrosal sinus sampling? Petrosal sinus …

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What Is a Classical Conditioning in Psychology?

Classical conditioning can play a significant role as behavioral therapies in treating the following conditions, which include treating phobias, treating anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Classical conditioning (Pavlovian or respondent conditioning) is a type of learning that has a major influence on behaviors. It was discovered by a Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov while studying the digestive system of dogs. Classical conditioning refers …

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How Does a Tracheoesophageal Puncture Work?

Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) restores the person’s ability to speak after the vocal cord (voice-box) has been removed. Tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) is a surgical procedure in which a hole is created between the trachea (windpipe) and esophagus (gullet). It is usually performed in people who undergo surgical removal of the larynx (voice-box) called a total laryngectomy (TL). This puncture restores the …

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What Does the Beginning of a Cancerous Mole Look Like?

Not all moles are cancerous. It is estimated that nearly four to five out of every 100 Caucasians will develop at least one skin cancer by the time they are 65 years old. Not all moles are cancerous. It is estimated that nearly four to five out of every 100 Caucasians will develop at least one skin cancer by the …

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