Tag Archives: health and living

How Do You Get Rid of an Ingrown Toenail? Home Remedies

If you have an ingrown toenail without significant pain, redness, or pus discharge, you can get rid of it with a few simple home remedies If you have an ingrown toenail without significant pain, redness, or pus discharge, you can get rid of it with a few simple home remedies: Soak your feet in warm …

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Is Tea or Coffee Better for Your Health?

Tea vs. coffee Tea is generally safe, even in large amounts. While coffee is also safe to drink, high amounts can cause some problems. After water, tea is the most popular drink in the world. It’s made from steeping dried leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant and is commonly called black tea. Tea leaves are crushed, dried, and fermented to …

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What Does Cis Mean? Cisgender Definition

Cis is short for cisgender, which is a term used to describe a person whose gender identity is the same as the gender assigned to them at birth Cis is short for cisgender, which is a term used to describe a person whose gender identity is the same as the gender assigned to them at birth. For example, if a …

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What Can I Do for a Muscle Strain in My Back?

What is muscle strain? Muscle strain is sometimes called a pulled muscle. Treat a muscle strain in your back with ice, rest, compression, and heat or a see a doctor for an evaluation of a severe muscle strain in your back. Back pain affects millions of people every year. Back pain is a leading cause of temporary disability. Some pain …

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How Does EldonCard Determine Blood Type? Test Kit Results

The EldonCard blood type test kit uses the basic forward antibody technique of blood hematology for quick and simple determination of your blood type. EldonCard is a newly developed patented test that determines your blood group, which can be used anywhere. It is the cheapest approach to get the most accurate results rapidly within a few minutes without the need …

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Should You Stretch a Strained Muscle?

What is a muscle strain? Muscle strain is another term for a pulled muscle. Some experts recommend gentle stretching for muscles that are recovering from a strain. Muscle strains are painful injuries that can disrupt your usual routine. The pain and swelling from a strained muscle are uncomfortable. They also mean you can’t participate in your usual exercise regimens or …

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How Do I Increase My Hemoglobin? 9 Ways

Low hemoglobin levels can be caused by anemia and low iron intake. Here are 9 ways to increase your hemoglobin through diet and supplements Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen to your organs and tissues and carries carbon dioxide back to your lungs.  Low hemoglobin levels can be caused by anemia, which can cause …

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How Does Scoliosis Make You Feel?

How does scoliosis affect the body? Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, commonly diagnosed during early childhood or the teenage years. Scoliosis may make you feel short of breath and give you back problems. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, commonly diagnosed during early childhood or the teenage years. The normal curve of the spine is …

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How Long Does Costochondritis Last?

What is costochondritis? Costochondritis is an inflammation of the chest wall between the breastbone and ribs. Costochondritis usually goes away on its own although inflammation can last from weeks to months. Chest pain can be scary. If you have chest pain, the first assumption made could be that you are having a heart attack. Your chest has soft tissue that …

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How Long Does It Take for a Strained Muscle in the Arm to Heal?

How long does a muscle strain take to heal? A muscle strain refers to tearing or stretching of the muscle fibers. Most muscle strains occur due to one of two reasons — either the muscle contracted too strongly or was forced to stretch beyond its limit. Typically, a strained arm muscle heals in a few weeks to a few months, …

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