
Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia Treatment: Medication, Therapy

Effective treatment of schizophrenia, such as the negative symptoms, includes a combination of drugs, behavior therapy, and support therapy. There are three types of symptoms in schizophrenia—positive, negative, and cognitive.  Although it is easier to recognize positive symptoms and cognitive symptoms, treating negative symptoms is a challenging task because these symptoms, such as lack of …

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How Long Does Drug-Induced Schizophrenia Last? Drug Psychosis

There is no such thing as drug-induced schizophrenia, which is a chronic mental condition (not short-term) caused by a combination of factors. There is no such thing as drug-induced schizophrenia. Although certain medications and recreational drugs may increase your risk of schizophrenia or a similar illness, they are not directly responsible for inducing the condition. If you develop schizophrenia, it …

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How Serious Is Tardive Dyskinesia? Medications, Treatment, Symptoms

Tardive dyskinesia symptoms can make it difficult to carry out daily physical tasks, lowering one's quality of life. Tardive dyskinesia is caused as a side effect of neuroleptic drugs and brings about involuntary and uncontrolled movements, which include grimacing, twitching, and thrusting. It is a neurological syndrome marked by random movements that usually occur in the jaws, tongue, face, or …

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Why Do People With Schizophrenia Get Depressed? Comorbidity Risks

The exact cause of why people with schizophrenia get depression is unknown; however, some of the following factors may increase the probability of the condition. The exact cause of why people with schizophrenia get depression is unknown. Some factors that can increase the probability of people with schizophrenia getting depression are as follows: Genetics: Genetics can play a significant role …

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What Burns Fat Quickly and How Do I Know When My Body is in Fat Burning Mode?

What to eat to burn fat quickly Fat can also be a great source of energy. Burn fat quickly by eating a high-protein diet, healthy fats, and fiber and you know you are in fat-burning mode if your mood and sleep are better. Your body gets its energy from the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that you eat. Many commonly eaten …

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How Do You Cope With a One-Year-Old and a Newborn?

Get help When a second baby comes along with the first only a year old, parenting becomes an endurance test. Cope with a newborn and a one year old by getting help, involving siblings, taking care of yourself, and using other strategies. When a second baby comes along with the first only a year old, parenting becomes an endurance test. …

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What Causes Thrombosis in AV Fistula?

Thrombosis in arteriovenous (AV) fistula occurs when blood does not flow smoothly through the fistula, artery, or vein due to narrowing of the blood vessel Thrombosis in arteriovenous (AV) fistula occurs when blood does not flow smoothly through the fistula, artery, or vein due to narrowing of the blood vessel. This narrowing is called stenosis, and it can cause the …

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What Do You Inherit From Your Mother? 10 Traits

Although most inherited genes are passed on from both parents, some traits are directly linked to the mother, from certain genetic diseases to hair and eye color Although most inherited genes are passed on from both parents, some traits are directly linked to the mother, from certain genetic diseases to hair and eye color. Research on this topic is limited, …

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What Are 6 Good Cardio Exercises?

While you can use gym equipment such as treadmills and elliptical machines, you can also try these effective cardio exercises at home Cardio exercises include activities that increase your heart rate and make you pump blood faster, keeping both your heart and lungs stay healthy. While you can use gym equipment such as treadmills and elliptical machines, you can also …

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What Foods Destroy Cancer Cells? 20 Food & Anti-Cancer Diet

Cancer cells multiply abnormally and spread to other parts of the body. Due to a sudden change (mutations) in the DNA of cells, cancer cells tend to grow uncontrollably. These abnormal cells do not function like normal cells; they multiply abnormally and spread to other parts of the body. These cells do not die when they are supposed to. Studies …

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