Why Do People With Schizophrenia Get Depressed? Comorbidity Risks

Why Do People With Schizophrenia Get Depressed?
The exact cause of why people with schizophrenia get depression is unknown; however, some of the following factors may increase the probability of the condition.

The exact cause of why people with schizophrenia get depression is unknown.

Some factors that can increase the probability of people with schizophrenia getting depression are as follows:

  • Genetics: Genetics can play a significant role in people with schizophrenia acquiring depression. If your parents have depression, you might inherit it from them.
  • Brain chemistry and structure: Schizophrenia is associated with low levels of dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical known for managing mood, and a lack of this chemical can lead to depression and other mood disorders.
  • Environment: Experts claim that viral infections or highly stressful situations can cause depression or other mood disorders in people with schizophrenia. The exact mechanism of how environmental factors influence people with schizophrenia is unknown. Social isolation and unemployment play a role in low self-esteem and depression.
  • Drug use: Taking mind-altering drugs, also known as psychoactive or psychotropic drugs, can profoundly affect moods in people with schizophrenia.

What are other risk factors for depression in schizophrenia?

Other risk factors for depression in schizophrenia include:

  • Family history of depression
  • High levels of family and personal expectations for success in life
  • Critical family attitudes
  • Intelligence and insight
  • The stigma associated with the condition
  • Multiple hospitalizations
  • Recent hospital discharge
  • Lack of support
  • Loneliness
  • Drug adverse events

How common is depression in schizophrenia?

People with schizophrenia are more likely to have depression than healthy individuals. The majority of people with schizophrenia will experience one episode of depression during their condition.

  • The prevalence of depression in people with schizophrenia may vary from 6 to 75 percent.
  • About 25 percent of people with schizophrenia may meet the criteria for depression at any given time.

Some of the characteristics of depression in schizophrenia are as follows:

  • The prevalence of depression is threefold higher in people aged between 18 and 29 years
  • The peak onset of depression is in the 20s
  • Prevalence of depression is 1.5-fold to threefold higher in women than that in men

Depression begins with a period of at least two weeks during which the person may have the following:

  • Loss of interest
  • Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day
  • Diminished interest in most activities almost every day

Why is depression important for people with schizophrenia?

Depression can play a key role in motivating people to attempt suicide. In fact, depression is the most common cause of suicide than hallucinations or delusions.

Depression has been given prime importance in people with schizophrenia due to the following reasons:

  • People with schizophrenia are at a higher risk of committing suicide than other people.
  • Men have a higher tendency of attempting suicide.
  • Risk factors for suicide in schizophrenia may include:
    • Not taking medication
    • Drug or alcohol misuse
    • Depression and feelings of despair
  • People with depression are more likely to suffer a recurrence of psychotic symptoms and frequent hospitalizations.
  • Depression is difficult to diagnose in schizophrenia because the negative symptoms of schizophrenia coincide with depression. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia are as follows:
    • Lack of motivation
    • Low energy levels
    • Slow movements
    • Saying little
    • Poor communications skills
    • Low self-confidence
    • Lack of emotion
    • Anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure)
    • Apathy
    • Social withdrawal
    • Lack of libido
    • Anxiety

Most symptoms listed above are similar to symptoms of depression. Hence, doctors find it difficult to diagnose depression in people with schizophrenia.

Depression can motivate people to use drugs and alcohol. Over half of them are engaged in risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, which can be a leading cause of suicide among such people.

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Why Do People With Schizophrenia Get Depressed? Comorbidity Risks

Why Do People With Schizophrenia Get Depressed?
The exact cause of why people with schizophrenia get depression is unknown; however, some of the following factors may increase the probability of the condition.

The exact cause of why people with schizophrenia get depression is unknown.

Some factors that can increase the probability of people with schizophrenia getting depression are as follows:

  • Genetics: Genetics can play a significant role in people with schizophrenia acquiring depression. If your parents have depression, you might inherit it from them.
  • Brain chemistry and structure: Schizophrenia is associated with low levels of dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical known for managing mood, and a lack of this chemical can lead to depression and other mood disorders.
  • Environment: Experts claim that viral infections or highly stressful situations can cause depression or other mood disorders in people with schizophrenia. The exact mechanism of how environmental factors influence people with schizophrenia is unknown. Social isolation and unemployment play a role in low self-esteem and depression.
  • Drug use: Taking mind-altering drugs, also known as psychoactive or psychotropic drugs, can profoundly affect moods in people with schizophrenia.

What are other risk factors for depression in schizophrenia?

Other risk factors for depression in schizophrenia include:

  • Family history of depression
  • High levels of family and personal expectations for success in life
  • Critical family attitudes
  • Intelligence and insight
  • The stigma associated with the condition
  • Multiple hospitalizations
  • Recent hospital discharge
  • Lack of support
  • Loneliness
  • Drug adverse events

How common is depression in schizophrenia?

People with schizophrenia are more likely to have depression than healthy individuals. The majority of people with schizophrenia will experience one episode of depression during their condition.

  • The prevalence of depression in people with schizophrenia may vary from 6 to 75 percent.
  • About 25 percent of people with schizophrenia may meet the criteria for depression at any given time.

Some of the characteristics of depression in schizophrenia are as follows:

  • The prevalence of depression is threefold higher in people aged between 18 and 29 years
  • The peak onset of depression is in the 20s
  • Prevalence of depression is 1.5-fold to threefold higher in women than that in men

Depression begins with a period of at least two weeks during which the person may have the following:

  • Loss of interest
  • Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day
  • Diminished interest in most activities almost every day

Why is depression important for people with schizophrenia?

Depression can play a key role in motivating people to attempt suicide. In fact, depression is the most common cause of suicide than hallucinations or delusions.

Depression has been given prime importance in people with schizophrenia due to the following reasons:

  • People with schizophrenia are at a higher risk of committing suicide than other people.
  • Men have a higher tendency of attempting suicide.
  • Risk factors for suicide in schizophrenia may include:
    • Not taking medication
    • Drug or alcohol misuse
    • Depression and feelings of despair
  • People with depression are more likely to suffer a recurrence of psychotic symptoms and frequent hospitalizations.
  • Depression is difficult to diagnose in schizophrenia because the negative symptoms of schizophrenia coincide with depression. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia are as follows:
    • Lack of motivation
    • Low energy levels
    • Slow movements
    • Saying little
    • Poor communications skills
    • Low self-confidence
    • Lack of emotion
    • Anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure)
    • Apathy
    • Social withdrawal
    • Lack of libido
    • Anxiety

Most symptoms listed above are similar to symptoms of depression. Hence, doctors find it difficult to diagnose depression in people with schizophrenia.

Depression can motivate people to use drugs and alcohol. Over half of them are engaged in risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, which can be a leading cause of suicide among such people.

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