mental health

Does ADHD Worsen With Age?

How does ADHD affect you as you get older? ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a condition that causes problems with focusing, impulsivity, and hyperactivity that affect every part of your life.  ADHD used to be considered a children's condition. While it is one of the most common childhood brain development disorders, it also lasts …

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How Can a Man Reduce His Anger?

What causes a man to be angry? Anger is a normal emotion that both men and women experience. It is often misunderstood and can affect your emotional and mental health. Anger is sometimes called a secondary emotion, meaning it happens in response to another emotion like fear or sadness. Some experts suggest that anger and aggression might be one way …

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Can Schizophrenia Be Caused by Alcohol?

What is schizophrenia? The link between alcohol and schizophrenia has been a hotly debated topic for decades. We have definitive evidence that people with schizophrenia are more likely to abuse substances like alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, or other illicit drugs. The question of whether alcohol or drug abuse can cause schizophrenia is a much more complicated subject. Schizophrenia is a serious …

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How Many People Have Cluster B Personality Disorders?

Studies have suggested that around 1%-6% of people suffer from cluster B personality disorders. Learn about each of the four types Studies have suggested that around 1%-6% of people suffer from cluster B personality disorders. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 9.1% of the population in the United States have a personality disorder. What are cluster …

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How Do I Stop Chronic Worrying?

Chronic worrying means being worried about things non-stop or for an extended period. Many people worry instantly or start getting anxious about something that still has to happen in the future.  All these things can harm your mental and physical health. Worry sometimes also becomes a more significant concern, such as anxiety. People who worry too much struggle to sleep, …

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How Can I Solve My Relationship Without Breaking Up?

No matter how strong your relationship is, it will face some challenges along the way. Does that mean you should break up? Not at all. While it's true that some problems are beyond solving, you can work through the rough patches.  We discuss 7 relationship problems and how to solve them without breaking up or leaving a negative air between yourself …

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How Do I Accept My Partner’s Friends?

Some people, when in love, seem to momentarily forget that their partners come with a world of their own. You should try to remember, though, that they'll have friends, family, and colleagues, some of whom you may not like.  Maybe your partner's friends are sexist, drunken, or make demeaning jokes about you when they're around. You'd obviously like to get …

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Is CBD Good for Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a chronic psychotic disorder that affects a small portion of the world's population. Symptoms typically manifest in early adulthood or late adolescence. Schizophrenia has several different symptoms, such as hallucinations and impaired brain functions.  Although it is not a core symptom, people with schizophrenia also experience anxiety, and with the increasing popularity of CBD, many people wonder if …

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What Does Mental Stamina Mean?

What is stamina?  You may have seen the term "mental stamina" in advertisements for supplements or game apps, claiming they can improve and enhance your brainpower. But not many of these sources explain what mental stamina actually means.  Mental stamina is one of the many different ways that you can describe the quality of your thoughts. It refers to how …

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What Are the Three Stages of General Adaptation Syndrome?

3 stages of GAS The three stages of general adaptation syndrome include the alarm stage, resistance stage, and exhaustion stage. Learn the three stages of GAS below. General adaptation syndrome is a universal and predictable response pattern to all stressors, whether they are good (referred to as eustress) or bad (referred to as stress), called distress. It consists of the …

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