health and living

What Type of Exercise Causes DOMS? Causes, Signs & Prevention

DOMS stands for delayed-onset muscle soreness. Any exercise can cause DOMS when you start a new routine or increase the intensity, but exercises that require eccentric muscle contraction, in particular, are more likely to cause DOMS. Eccentric contraction is the muscle’s contraction to bear load against gravity while being lengthened. Following are some examples of …

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How Does Barometric Pressure Affect Humans?

Barometric pressure Barometric pressure, also called atmospheric pressure or air pressure Barometric pressure, also called atmospheric pressure or air pressure, is the force or weight of the air surrounding us. Barometric pressure is measured by an instrument called the barometer. One of the commonest types of barometers is a mercury barometer in which the height of a column of mercury …

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What Does a Physical Therapist Do?

Physical therapy is a healthcare discipline dedicated to promoting, maintaining, and restoring physical health What they do: A physiotherapist designs and implements a personalized patient rehabilitation protocol after surgery (such as joint replacements, spine surgeries, fracture repair, and repair of ligaments). In absence of a good rehabilitation after a surgery or accident, the joints may turn stiff causing a reduced …

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What Are the Benefits of Jumping?

What are the benefits of jumping? Jumping exercises are anaerobic exercises that involve quick bursts of energy. The benefits of jumping include improved cardiovascular health, metabolism, bone density, strength, muscle tone, balance and coordination. Regular exercise, good sleep and a healthy diet are important pillars for a healthy body. Exercises that are based on jumping are a great way to …

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Where Are Your Biceps?

What are biceps? Biceps muscles are any group of muscles that have two points of origin. There are two types of biceps in the human body, the biceps brachii on the front side of the upper arm and the biceps femoris, which pulls the thigh near the trunk. Biceps muscles are any group of muscles in the body that have …

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Why Do Athletes Use Smelling Salts?

Athletes seeking performance improvements sometimes use smelling salts for their stimulating effect. Athletes seeking performance improvements sometimes use smelling salts for their stimulating effect. Smelling salts trigger a sharp inhalation reflex, bringing in more air and oxygen. This may result in improved alertness. It is also used when a person or an athlete passes out due to decreased blood flow …

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Why Is Sassafras Banned?

Sassafras was once used to manufacture root beer, a common beverage. The roots and barks of the sassafras tree contain a high concentration of the chemical named safrole. Safrole was listed as a carcinogen in rats by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is hence banned at present. The risk of developing cancer increases with the amount consumed and …

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What Exactly Does a Respiratory Therapist Do?

Respiratory therapists deal with patients having breathing difficulties caused due to lung diseases. Respiratory therapists deal with patients having breathing difficulties caused due to lung diseases. They are trained to rehabilitate people with chronic lung diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, and occupational lung diseases that can result from genetic and environmental issues. Respiratory therapists deal with patients with lung …

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What Does Round Ligament Pain Feel Like?

Round ligament pain feels like a sharp or stabbing pain mostly in the lower abdomen Round ligament pain feels like a sharp or stabbing pain mostly in the lower abdomen or groin over one or both sides. Some pregnant women may experience it as a longer-lasting dull ache. It is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy and is …

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What Scent Will Keep Flies Away?

Flies reproduce quickly, are extremely difficult to catch, and can be a nuisance Flies reproduce quickly, are extremely difficult to catch, and can be a nuisance and vectors for diseases. Controlling flies can be very challenging. There are multiple ways to get rid of flies using commercial products and natural home remedies that are nontoxic and safe for the home …

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