health and living

What Are the Most Common Food Intolerances? 3 Types & Food Allergy

Food intolerance vs. food allergy The three most common food intolerances are lactose, a sugar found in milk, casein, a protein found in milk, and gluten, a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. What is food intolerance? Food intolerance is a condition in which a person is unable, or finds it …

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What Does It Mean When Your TSH Level Is Low?

Low TSH level Too much thyroid hormone production (endogenous hyperthyroidism): The most common cause of overactive thyroid is a condition called Graves’ disease. Having low thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels means that your thyroid gland is producing thyroid hormones in excess, a case called hyperthyroidism. In this condition, a small gland located at the base of your brain (the pituitary gland) …

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How Dangerous Is the Coronavirus Disease?

The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been declared a global emergency. The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been declared a global emergency. As per experts, the coronavirus disease is considered the worst crisis since World War II and has led to stringent lockdowns by governments worldwide. The coronavirus infection is especially associated with a high mortality rate …

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What Body Parts to Work on What Days?

Workout regimens differ from person to person. Workout regimens differ from person to person. Depending on one’s weight loss goals and desired physique, one may change it as per their needs. Below is the common workout split example: Monday: Chest and triceps Tuesday: Back and biceps Wednesday: Legs and shoulders Thursday: Rest Friday: Chest and triceps Saturday: Back and biceps Sunday: Legs and shoulders Typically, our muscles …

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What Is Meant by the Halo Effect?

The Halo Effect The halo effect refers to the perception of one outstanding personality trait to an overly favorable evaluation It is said that the “first impression is the last impression.” Well, if not the last, it surely is a lasting and powerful impression that somehow camouflages the other qualities of a person. “First impression” often leads to the halo …

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What Is Vinegar Good For?

Vinegar uses Vinegar is a transparent solution made of acetic acid and water. Vinegar is good for lowering blood glucose levels, helping with weight loss and boosting skin health. It also has antibacterial properties. White vinegar is mainly used as a culinary staple in your kitchen. The main applications of vinegar in the kitchen include making Pickles Salads Marinades and …

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What Type of Exercise Causes DOMS? Causes, Signs & Prevention

DOMS stands for delayed-onset muscle soreness. Any exercise can cause DOMS when you start a new routine or increase the intensity, but exercises that require eccentric muscle contraction, in particular, are more likely to cause DOMS. Eccentric contraction is the muscle’s contraction to bear load against gravity while being lengthened. Following are some examples of eccentric muscle contraction: The controlled …

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How Does Barometric Pressure Affect Humans?

Barometric pressure Barometric pressure, also called atmospheric pressure or air pressure Barometric pressure, also called atmospheric pressure or air pressure, is the force or weight of the air surrounding us. Barometric pressure is measured by an instrument called the barometer. One of the commonest types of barometers is a mercury barometer in which the height of a column of mercury …

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What Does a Physical Therapist Do?

Physical therapy is a healthcare discipline dedicated to promoting, maintaining, and restoring physical health What they do: A physiotherapist designs and implements a personalized patient rehabilitation protocol after surgery (such as joint replacements, spine surgeries, fracture repair, and repair of ligaments). In absence of a good rehabilitation after a surgery or accident, the joints may turn stiff causing a reduced …

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METs Level Regular physical activity and a healthy diet are necessary to stay fit and healthy. Regular physical activity and a healthy diet are necessary to stay fit and healthy. A balance of the calorie expenditure and calories consumed is essential for staying healthy. There are several ways to calculate the energy expenditure or calories burnt during different activities, metabolic …

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