health and living

What Were Your First Signs of Esophageal Cancer?

Like many types of cancer, esophageal cancer in its early stages may be asymptomatic. Like many types of cancer, esophageal cancer in its early stages may be asymptomatic. Diagnosis in people without symptoms is usually accidental because of tests run for other medical problems. A few signs of cancer may be seen in a few …

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What Does Bone Cancer in the Leg Feel Like?

Bone cancer is also referred to as the sarcoma of bone. If it is in the leg, it may feel painful in the area where the tumor is located. Bone cancer is also referred to as the sarcoma of bone. If it is in the leg, it may feel painful in the area where the tumor is located. The patient …

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What Were Your First Signs of Uterine Cancer?

In more than 90 percent of women, unexpected abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common early sign of uterine cancer. In more than 90 percent of women, unexpected abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common early sign of uterine cancer. However, the early signs and symptoms of uterine cancer may vary from person to person. Irregular bleeding might be Vaginal …

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What Are the Main Causes of Esophageal Cancer?

It is not clear what causes esophageal cancer. It is believed that mutation (change) in the genes of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) causes cancer. It is not clear what causes esophageal cancer. It is believed that mutation (change) in the genes of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) causes cancer. This mutation results in uncontrolled cell division and cell growth. These cells …

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What Are the Risk Factors for Developing Cervical Cancer?

The actual cause of developing cervical cancer is still being researched. However, studies suggest that cervical cancer may be caused by infection with certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). The actual cause of developing cervical cancer is still being researched. However, studies suggest that cervical cancer may be caused by infection with certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a sexually …

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How Common Is Breast Cancer in Men?

Breast cancer is more common in women. However, men can get breast cancer too. Breast cancer is more common in women. However, men can get breast cancer too. The chances of occurrences of breast cancer in men are rare. Out of every 100 breast cancer diagnosed in the United States, 1 is found in a man. What are the signs …

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How Do I Know if I Have Anus Cancer?

The signs and symptoms of anus or anal cancer are often similar to more common and less serious conditions affecting the anus, such as piles (hemorrhoids) and tears in the lining of the anus called anal fissures. The signs and symptoms of anus or anal cancer are often similar to more common and less serious conditions affecting the anus, such as piles (hemorrhoids) and …

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Where Do You Feel Lung Cancer Pain?

Lung Cancer Pain In its early stages, lung cancer typically does not produce any signs and symptoms. In its early stages, lung cancer typically does not produce any signs and symptoms. However, if it does, you will experience coughing and wheezing that do not go away within three weeks. Lung cancer pain can be felt in the chest in later …

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What Are the Early Signs of Colon Cancer?

Colon Cancer Colon cancer doesn’t appear suddenly. It may start as a polyp or a small ulcer that may not cause symptoms. Colon cancer doesn’t appear suddenly. It may start as a polyp or a small ulcer that may not cause symptoms. Polyps, if left untreated, can lead to colon cancer. Many of the symptoms of colon cancer are similar …

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What Are the Main Causes of Skin Cancer?

Most skin cancers occur due to repeated and prolonged exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight. Also, artificial sources, such as tanning beds, can cause skin cancer. Most skin cancers occur due to repeated and prolonged exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight. Also, artificial sources, such as tanning beds, can cause skin cancer. UV rays can damage …

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