Fox News

Pre-Workout Supplements: Ingredients, Precautions, and More

Learn about the benefits, ingredients, and safety of pre-workout supplements Pre-workout supplements are a combination of ingredients intended to improve your athletic performance, boost energy, and enhance muscle building. Some of the proposed benefits of pre-workout supplements include: Improved stamina Better lean muscle mass Faster muscle recovery Increased endurance Lower risk of certain injuries Improved …

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Does Palmoplantar Pustulosis Go Away? Treatment

Because palmoplantar pustulosis can be resistant to treatment, it may take some time to find what works for you Although there is no cure for palmoplantar pustulosis, treatment can help manage symptoms. Because palmoplantar pustulosis can be resistant to treatment, however, it may take some time to find what works for you. Certain preventative measures can bring the condition under …

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Which Weight Loss Surgery Is Permanent?

When should you consider weight-loss surgery? Weight-loss surgery — also known as bariatric surgery — is one of the best treatments for obesity and related diseases. As per the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), there are five types of surgeries that your doctor can recommend for permanent weight loss. Weight-loss surgery — also known as bariatric surgery …

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Is Cucumber a Fruit or a Vegetable? Nutrition Chart, 10 Benefits

Cucumber is considered a vegetable in terms of how it is frequently prepared and consumed. Cucumbers are both fruits and vegetables. They are classified as vegetables due to their vast range of culinary applications, which include salads, sandwiches, pickles, and hamburger toppings. Cucumber pickles are considered savory rather than sweet when eaten alone. Vegetables, in general, are less sweet than …

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What Is Considered Moderate Plaque Psoriasis?

Moderate plaque psoriasis is when patches cover 3%-10% of your body surface area Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis, affecting up to 80% of people with psoriasis. Also called psoriasis vulgaris, plaque psoriasis is characterized by raised patches of itchy, painful skin with shiny scales that may crack and bleed. Moderate plaque psoriasis is when patches cover …

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How Much Vitamin D Should You Take for Optimal Health?

Most people can take between 1,000 to 4,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day for optimal health Taking about 1,000 to 4,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day is generally enough for most people to reach optimal vitamin D blood levels. Some people may require a much higher dose, especially if their current levels are very …

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How Is Necrotizing Pancreatitis Treated? Symptoms & 4 Causes

Without treatment, necrotizing pancreatitis may lead to an infection or sepsis. This can lead to life-threatening organ damage. Necrotizing pancreatitis is a serious complication in cases of acute pancreatitis and must always be treated in a hospital. Necrotizing pancreatitis is diagnosed with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scans and treated with antibiotics and aggressive interventions. In some cases, healthcare …

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Is a Dragon Fruit Good for You, and What Are the Health Benefits?

Health benefits of dragon fruit Dragon fruit, commonly known as strawberry pear or pitahaya, is a beneficial tropical fruit with a distinctive, vibrant red color and shape. Dragon fruit contains a range of essential minerals and nutrients and it has health benefits for GI health and the immune system. Dragon fruit, commonly known as strawberry pear or pitahaya, is a …

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What Is Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis? 11 Symptoms, Causes

One of the subtypes of multiple sclerosis is called relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). The relapsing-remitting form of multiple sclerosis, which is the most prevalent form of the illness, is characterized by clearly defined bouts of new or increased neurologic symptoms. These occurrences, which may sometimes be referred to as relapses or exacerbations, are followed by times when the patient is …

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Is Psoriasis Linked to Anxiety?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that primarily affects the skin, which can cause many to develop anxiety about their appearance Like other chronic conditions, psoriasis can take a toll on your emotional health. Anxiety can trigger or worsen psoriasis, and psoriasis can cause anxiety, creating a cyclical relationship. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that primarily affects the skin, which can …

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