Fox News

What Can Trigger Graves’ Disease? Genetics & Outside Factors

Researchers believe that Graves’ disease results from a combination of genetics and outside triggers, such as bacteria or viruses. The exact cause is unclear, although experts believe this disease is triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Like in all cases of autoimmune diseases, the immune system in Graves’ disease attacks the body …

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How Serious Is a Broken Collarbone? Treatment & Complications

A broken collarbone is a common injury. But most collarbone fractures heal completely within a few months with no complications In general, a broken collarbone or clavicle generally heals completely within a few months and usually doesn’t cause any serious complications.  Even when a broken collarbone is not perfectly aligned, it generally heals well without causing any significant deformity. This …

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How Long Does It Take to Get Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?

How long it takes to get carbon monoxide poisoning depends on the concentration in the air, as well as your age, gender, and general health How long it takes to get carbon monoxide poisoning depends largely on the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air, as well as your age, gender, and general health. According to the Environmental Protection Agency …

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How Do You Tell If Your Arm Is Broken? Broken Arm Symptoms

How do you know if you have a broken bone? Learn about symptoms of a fractured arm and how you can tell when it’s serious Sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether you’ve broken your arm or just sprained it. Symptoms of a broken or fractured bone in your arm may include: Difficulty moving the affected arm Pain and …

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12 Strategies to Help Someone Suffering From Depression

Learn the 12 best strategies for helping a person deal with depression here. We all go through various ups and downs in our lifetime. While people may have a common share of sorrows and defeats, their reactions and experiences may differ greatly. It is natural to be sad or experience grief. Unlike these short-lived periods of sadness, depression may take …

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Am I Depressed? 17 Signs of Depression

If you feel low for most of the day, nearly every day, you may be depressed. Learn to spot the signs of depression We all go through periods where we feel low or unhappy. But if you feel low for most of the day, nearly every day, and this has gone on for weeks or months, you may be suffering …

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What Causes House Gnats, and What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Them?

The types and nature of house gnats House gnats are those tiny grayish-black flies usually found around house plants. Although house gnats are harmless, they can be really annoying, since they fly all over the place. Because house gnats constitute such a nuisance, you should know how to prevent their infestation or eradicate them quickly. There are three major types …

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What Causes Fruit Flies and What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Them?

What are fruit flies? Fruit flies are common pests found in homes, yards, restaurants, and grocery stores. They don't bite, but they are very annoying. They can potentially spread bacteria from surface to surface as they feed. They are attracted to ripe or overripe plants, especially fruits and vegetables. Once you have these pests in your house, they are hard …

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Will Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight?

How does drinking water affect your weight? Water is essential for your health. You need enough water every day to restore fluids you lose in daily life through your breath, sweat, digestion, and elimination. Water hydrates your skin, keeps your joints lubricated and healthy, and keeps your body cool.  You'll often read that you should drink water to lose weight, but there …

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Why Does My Achilles Hurt? Achilles Tendonitis Causes

If your Achilles hurts, the pain is most likely due to overuse of the tendon. Learn about what causes Achilles pain and how to treat it Your Achilles is the largest tendon in your body, connecting your calf muscles to your heel bone. You use it when you walk, run, climb stairs, jump, or stand on your toes. If your …

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