Fox News

What Is Epiglottitis? vs. Croup, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What causes epiglottis? It is important to differentiate epiglottitis from a less serious condition called croup, which presents with similar symptoms. Epiglottitis is a potentially life-threatening illness characterized by inflammation of the epiglottis, which is a lid-like structure that covers the opening of the windpipe or trachea.  What causes epiglottis? The epiglottis works to close …

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What Does Laryngeal Cancer Feel Like? 11 Symptoms & Risks

Laryngeal cancer is a type of throat cancer that begins in the larynx, or voice box, which is part of the body that helps us breathe, swallow and speak. Laryngeal cancer may not show any symptoms in the early stages. Some people may experience the following: Sore throat or cough that does not go away  Feeling that something is stuck …

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What Can Teens Do to Be Safe on the Internet?

The internet is a thrilling, enriching as well as a dangerous place to be. Help teens stay safe on the internet by teaching them about the importance of privacy, credibility, online safety and taking other precautions. The internet is a thrilling, enriching as well as a dangerous place to be. The fact that a fair share of the realm of …

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What Are the Symptoms of Dysphoria? 7 Signs of Gender Dysphoria

General symptoms of dysphoria may include anhedonia, loss of interest, feeling of hopelessness, low self-esteem, low appetite, low energy, and sleep disorder. Dysphoria is a psychological state that often accompanies a mental health condition and is most commonly caused by stress, grief, or relationship difficulties. Mental illnesses associated with dysphoric mood include: Depression Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Premenstrual dysphoric disorder …

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What Are the Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer? 10 Risks

Warning signs of ovarian cancer may include bloating, abdominal pain or swelling, feeling full quickly after a meal, and more. Ovaries are small glands on each side of the uterus responsible for producing eggs as well as the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. In ovarian cancer, a mutation in the genetic material of ovarian cells leads to uncontrolled, abnormal cell …

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How Can I Get My Teenager to Move?

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Get your teenager to move by modeling healthy behavior, making activity fun, praising them for being active, limiting screen time and employing other strategies. They say a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. With the growing incidence of childhood obesity worldwide, your child needs to be physically active. The American Heart …

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What Is the Best Energy Booster?

Markets are flooded with products and supplements that claim to boost your energy levels, but there's little evidence that they work. A healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, regular exercise and nutritious diet is what one needs to stay active and energized. Markets are flooded with products and supplements that claim to boost your energy levels. There is, however, not enough …

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What Is Normal Behavior for a 12-Year-Old Girl?

A 12-year-old girl is not a teenager yet not exactly a child anymore. Normal behavior for a 12-year-old girl may include mood swings, increasing technological savvy, development of new interests and other changes. A 12-year-old girl may be talkative, noisy, funny and getting smarter. The girl is at the cusp of puberty. Everything is changing. They are not teenagers yet …

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How Do I Deal With My 17-Year-Old Daughter?

Your 17-year-old daughter is on the cusp of adulthood. Deal with your 17-year-old daughter by creating a relationship with her, giving her space, set healthy boundaries, encourage her to express her individuality and using many other strategies. As your child grows, parenting gets trickier. A 17-year-old daughter is already at the cusp of adulthood and often prefers to be treated …

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How Do I Deal With My 16-Year-Old Daughter?

Your 16-year-old daughter is becoming more independent. Deal with your 16-year-old daughter by giving her more independence, connecting with her, being emotionally available and using other supportive strategies. At 16 years of age, your daughter is putting down roots and growing wings. Her sense of independence has set in. She is also becoming empathetic. Her critical thinking abilities are improving …

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