Fox News

What Are the Signs of Early Onset Dementia? Early Symptoms

Early onset dementia is rare and difficult to diagnose. Learn about early signs of dementia that may indicate that something is wrong Dementia is common in people over the age of 65. However, early onset dementia and associated early onset Alzheimer’s disease is much less common, affecting people in their 40s and 50s.  Signs of …

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What Are the Signs of a Narcissistic Man? Diagnostic Criteria

While narcissists from both sexes share common traits, male narcissists tend to be online trolls, disrespectful to women and dominate using mind games. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD; narcissism) is a personality disorder seen in both men and women with similar signs in both sexes. However, some behaviors of male and female narcissists can differ. The most common traits of the …

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How Can Parents Control Their Anger Towards Their Children?

Anger control for parents As a parent, when you learn how to control or manage your anger in a healthy way, you can teach children how to handle their anger better too. Anger is a natural emotion. People express it in different ways. In some cases, anger has a positive effect. It may motivate you to get something done or …

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How Much Weight Should I Gain During My Pregnancy in the First Trimester?

Why do you gain weight during pregnancy? Weight gain during pregnancy supports the developing baby. You should gain less than five pounds during the first trimester of your pregnancy. Your body undergoes many changes during the nine months of pregnancy. During your pregnancy how much weight gain in the first trimester is appropriate? ‌Your weight gain during pregnancy helps support …

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How Long Does Labor Last for First-Time Moms?

How much pregnancy labor a first time mom experiences Labor is the process by which a baby is born. Labor for a first-time moms typically lasts for 12 to 18 hours. If you are a mom-to-be, feeling anxious about childbirth is normal. Understanding how much pregnancy labor a first time mom may experience and how long it lasts will help …

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How Long Can a Pessary Be Left In? Pessary Benefits

Depending on the type of pessary prescribed, you should be able to leave it in for as long as four to six months. However, other types, such as cube pessary, must be removed every night. This depends on the kind of pessary you are prescribed. Most vaginal pessaries can be left in for as long as four to six months …

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How Is Porphyria Diagnosed? Blood Tests for Porphyrin

Porphyria, also known as “vampire disease,” is diagnosed through special tests, such as blood tests, fecal tests and urine tests, to look for excessive levels of porphyrin in the body. Also known as “vampire disease” because of its ability to cause extreme photosensitivity, porphyria is a rare, hereditary condition that affects fewer than 200,000 people in the United States. It …

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How Do You Deal with a Manipulative Teenager Girl?

Teen manipulation Teenage manipulation is a form of bullying. The six ways your teen may manipulate you include asking for forbidden things, using emotional blackmail, being angry, retaliating, guilt tripping and strategic lying. Most of us know teens bully their peers. But did you know that many teens bully their parents? When a teenager is manipulative, that's a form of …

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What Is Myofascial Tissue Release? Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial tissue release is a massage therapy technique focused on relieving pain from inflamed trigger points in the body caused by myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain disorder simply means longstanding muscle pain. The soft tissues in the body support muscles and bones. In myofascial pain syndrome, the soft tissue gets inflamed and develops a trigger point, which the ache generally …

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What Causes Moon Face? Cushing’s Syndrome & Hormones

Moon face, otherwise known as moon facies, is most often caused by Cushing’s syndrome or prolonged steroid treatment and results in an extra fat build-up on the sides of the face. Moon face, otherwise known as moon facies, is a medical sign characterized by the face developing a rounded appearance due to fat deposits on the sides of the face. …

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