Fox News

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Too Much Sugar?

Sugar is delicious. It tastes incredible and changes flavors significantly when added to other things. Sugar gives you an immediate mood and energy boost. Your body needs natural starches and sugars to perform properly. However, the processed sugar your body craves is not very healthy. A common part of American diets The average American gets …

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What Fruits Should Diabetics Avoid?

Portion sizes People with diabetes are no strangers to the age-old myth that they need to avoid fruits altogether because of their sugar content. But fruits together with vegetables are recommended as a part of a healthy diet to help prevent chronic diseases. They also provide your body with vital nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals. While you …

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What Does a Hip Subluxation Feel Like? Symptoms

A hip subluxation occurs when the hip joint is partially out of position. This can cause pain, spasm, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected side A hip subluxation occurs when the hip joint is partially out of position. This can cause pain, spasm, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected side. Subluxation is not the same as dislocation, which …

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What Causes Pneumonic Plague?

Pneumonic plague is the most dangerous type of plague caused by Yersinia pestis (Y pestis) and occurs when the bacterium infects the lungs Pneumonic plague is the most dangerous type of plague caused by Yersinia pestis (Y pestis) and occurs when the bacterium infects the lungs. The disease can spread through the air from person to person. Anyone infected with …

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What Causes a Child to Itch All Over?

All children experience itching at some point, usually from an easily identifiable cause like insect bites. But, there are some conditions that cause all-over itching that can be harder to pinpoint. Read on to find out the most common causes of itching and how they can be treated. Atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis is the most common cause of eczema. It …

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What Can Cause Disorders of Taste and Smell?

Temporary loss of taste and smell is usually caused by viral infections, although smell and taste disorders can be caused by other factors as well Smell and taste are interrelated. Most of the time, your sense of smell affects your sense of taste. The most common causes of temporary loss of taste and smell are colds and flu.  Other causes …

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MRCP vs. MRI: How Is MRCP Different From MRI?

MRCP is a subtype of an MRI scan that is better suited for detailed images of the pancreas, gallbladder, and bile ducts. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a test that uses powerful magnets, radio waves, and a computer to get detailed pictures of body organs. The MRI uses three-dimensional images of an organ taken from different angles to help the doctor …

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How Do Seizures Differ From Epilepsy and Convulsion?

You can have a seizure without epilepsy, but you can’t have epilepsy without seizures. Convulsions are a type of seizure that causes involuntary shaking One seizure episode does not mean a person has epilepsy. When seizures occur frequently and become a consistent problem, however, the condition is called epilepsy. You can have a seizure without epilepsy, but you can’t have …

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What Foods Should HIV Patients Avoid?

Importance of nutrition A proper, nutritious diet is essential for anyone hoping to maintain good health. When you eat, your body uses those nutrients to fight off infections. People who live with HIV struggle against a virus that weakens their immune system. Getting the right amount of nutrients daily can help those living with HIV avoid health complications and ease …

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What Are the Three Grades of Muscle Strain? Symptoms

Depending on the severity of damage, muscle strains are classified into three grades. Learn about symptoms, causes, and treatment Muscle strain, also called a “pulled muscle,” occurs when muscle fibers are stretched or torn. It may include injury to the tendon, which is the fibrous structure that connects muscles to bones. To plan treatment, doctors classify the severity of muscle …

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