Fox News

Can Gums Grow Back After Receding? 6 Ways to Treat

Receding gums cannot grow back, although you can slow down the progression of the condition. Surgeries may restore the lost gum tissue to an extent Receding gums cannot grow back, although you can slow down the progression of the condition. Surgeries may restore the lost gum tissue to an extent. With gum recession, the soft …

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Why Do I Have Yellow Teeth? 11 Causes

Teeth naturally begin to discolor with age, as enamel wears and yellowish dentin underneath begins to show through. Here are 11 causes of yellow teeth Teeth naturally begin to discolor with age, as enamel wears and yellowish dentin underneath begins to show through. Yellow teeth may also be caused by a combination of genes, medication history, past illnesses, and addictions. …

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When Should You Stop Traveling While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a special time in your life. However, it can also be stressful. If this is your first time being pregnant, you might feel overwhelmed or unclear about what to do and what or not to do. You want to live your life, yet you don’t want to hurt your baby accidentally. Learn more about how to travel safely …

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What Does Having a Scalloped Tongue Mean? 5 Causes

While a scalloped tongue rarely indicates serious problems, examining possible causes can help your doctor detect other medical conditions you may have A scalloped tongue is a tongue with indentations, notches, or ridges along the edges. While the condition rarely causes pain or indicates more serious problems, understanding what causes scalloped tongue can help your doctor detect other medical conditions …

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What Does Agonal Breathing Sound Like?

Agonal breathing may sound like gasping, snorting, heavy or labored breathing, gurgling, or groaning. Learn about causes and treatment Agonal breathing may sound like: Gasping Snorting Heavy breathing Labored breathing Gurgling Groaning Gasping associated with agonal breathing is a brainstem reflex and not true breathing. The gasping is caused solely by residual nervous system activity and is very shallow. What …

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What Are Bradypnea and Tachypnea? Respiratory Rate Chart, Causes

Both bradypnea and tachypnea are signs that point towards breathing problems, such as either a slow or elevated breathing rate. Bradypnea and tachypnea are signs that point toward breathing problems. Bradypnea refers to abnormal slow breathing (respiratory) rate, whereas tachypnea refers to an elevated breathing rate in which the breathing is shallow. For an adult, the normal breathing rate is …

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What Are the Three Stages of General Adaptation Syndrome?

3 stages of GAS The three stages of general adaptation syndrome include the alarm stage, resistance stage, and exhaustion stage. Learn the three stages of GAS below. General adaptation syndrome is a universal and predictable response pattern to all stressors, whether they are good (referred to as eustress) or bad (referred to as stress), called distress. It consists of the …

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Is Bloodletting Still Used Today?

Bloodletting is still used as a form of alternative medicine in some parts of the world. In modern medicine, removing blood is referred to as phlebotomy In some parts of the world, bloodletting is still used as a form of alternative medicine: WIth wet cupping, bloodletting is done along with the application of special suction cups. This therapy is believed …

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How Can I Strengthen My Arm and Hand After a Stroke?

A stroke occurs when a part of your brain gets blocked or clogged up for some time. This leads to a deprivation of oxygen in your brain, which can kill blood vessels or cause bleeding. Often, strokes will have quite severe and long-lasting effects. One area such effects can occur is in your upper extremities like your arms or your …

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How Many Pints of Blood Are There in the Human Body?

The average human adult has about 8-10 pints of blood in the body, which is 8% of total body weight. A pint of blood is equivalent to 473.18 mL The average human adult has about 8-10 pints of blood in the body, which is 8% of total body weight. A pint of blood is equivalent to 473.18 mL.  Blood is connective tissue fluid …

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