Tag Archives: triple-negative breast cancer

How Can I Test Myself for Sleep Apnea? At-Home Testing, Treatment

Testing yourself for sleep apnea requires participating in a sleep study, such as these five diagnostic tests and evaluations. A sleep study, which allows for a definite diagnosis of sleep apnea, is the only way to be certain of the diagnosis. Most hospitals and nursing homes can arrange for a sleep study for a patient, …

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Norepinephrine: Hypotension Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: norepinephrine Brand and Other Names: levarterenol, Levophed Drug Class: Alpha/Beta Adrenergic Agonists What is norepinephrine, and what is it used for? Norepinephrine is a natural substance known as catecholamine synthesized in the brain and present in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Norepinephrine is both a hormone and a nerve-signaling agent (neurotransmitter) that plays a vital role in …

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How Quickly Do Fibroids Grow? Causes & Treatment

Uterine fibroid growth depends on various factors, such as fibroid size, number, and the age at which you are diagnosed If you have fibroids, you may be concerned about how fast they grow. Uterine fibroid growth depends on various factors, such as fibroid size, number, and the age at which you are diagnosed. Previously, it was believed that fibroids grow …

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Phenobarbital: Seizure Uses, Warnings, Side Effects, Dosage

Generic Name: phenobarbital Drug Class: Anticonvulsants, Barbiturates What is phenobarbital, and what is it used for? Phenobarbital is an anticonvulsant medication used to treat generalized and partial seizures and to induce sedation and anesthesia. Phenobarbital belongs to a class of medications known as barbiturates, and is a long acting medication. Phenobarbital induces sedation and reduces seizure activity by depressing the …

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Is Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue Sarcoma? 7 Symptoms, 4 Stages

Rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of sarcoma made up of tumors that arise from muscle tissue and spread throughout the body. The most common kind of soft tissue sarcoma in children is rhabdomyosarcoma. Overall, it is still a rare malignancy, accounting for about three percent of all childhood malignancies. These tumors arise from muscle tissue and can spread throughout the body. …

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How Can You Damage Your Back? Common Injuries, 11 Symptoms

Common causes of back injuries can include being overweight, sitting for long hours, poor posture, playing sports, car accidents, or sudden movements. Back injuries are a common complaint that can occur in any part of the back although they are most common in the lower back. Sprains and strains, herniated discs, and vertebral fractures are common ailments. The severity of …

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What Medical Imaging Techniques Use Ionizing Radiation? Test Chart

Here are five medical imaging techniques that use ionizing radiation, which can result in certain ill effects. Accurate and timely diagnosis forms the foundation of early and effective treatment. Doctors use various blood tests and imaging techniques to diagnose health issues. Imaging tests help the doctor see the inside of the body enabling them to diagnose and treat medical conditions …

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What Should COPD Patients Avoid? 5 Triggers & Causes

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is often triggered by certain lifestyle and environmental factors. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a name for a group of chronic lung diseases that cause breathing difficulties due to obstructed flow of air through the lungs. Usually, the airways and air sacs in the lungs are elastic or stretchy. During respiration, the air sacs …

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Can Craniopharyngioma Be Cancerous?

Craniopharyngiomas are benign (noncancerous) brain tumors that are slow-growing and unlikely to spread. Only in very rare cases do craniopharyngiomas become cancerous Craniopharyngiomas are benign (noncancerous) brain tumors that are slow-growing and unlikely to spread. Only in very rare cases do craniopharyngiomas become cancerous. What is a craniopharyngioma? A craniopharyngioma is a rare type of benign central nervous system (CNS) tumor …

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How Do You Get Rid of Diabetic Sores? Treatment

If you have developed a diabetic sore or ulcer, your doctor may perform a procedure called debridement, which removes dead tissue from the wound to promote healing If you have developed a diabetic sore or ulcer, your doctor may perform a procedure called debridement, which removes dead tissue from the wound to promote healing.  Your doctor will try to keep …

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