Tag Archives: triple-negative breast cancer

What Happens if You Get Bitten by a Centipede? Symptoms, Treatment

Typically, centipede bites result in severe pain, swelling, and redness at the puncture site, however, these symptoms usually subside within 48 hours. Centipedes are closely related to lobsters, shrimp, and crayfish. Their bodies are multi-segmented with a pair of legs for each body segment. Centipedes are usually nocturnal, which means they come out to hunt …

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What Are the Signs of Magnesium Deficiency? 4 Symptoms

Magnesium deficiency is often overlooked because symptoms often appear until your levels are dangerously low. Here are 4 signs to look for Magnesium deficiency, also called hypomagnesemia, is often overlooked. In many cases, magnesium deficiency may be underdiagnosed because the symptoms generally don't show up until your magnesium levels become seriously low. Your body needs magnesium for vital bodily processes, …

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What Causes Steatorrhea? 15 Causes of Fatty Stool

Steatorrhea, or fatty stool, occurs when there is too much fat that the digestive system can’t absorb. Learn about 15 common causes of steatorrhea Steatorrhea, or fatty stool, occurs when there is too much fat that the digestive system can’t absorb. Stools containing fat may be thick, float, have an oily or greasy look, and smell bad.  Temporary steatorrhea can …

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What Causes Cervical Ectropion? Erosion Symptoms, Treatment

Cervical ectropion, also called cervical erosion, is typically caused by high estrogen levels. The cervix is the lower portion of the uterus and the “neck” that connects to the vagina. It has two parts: the inner of the endocervical canal and the outer of the ectocervix. The causes of cervical ectropion include: High estrogen levels: The cervix is highly responsive to estrogen, …

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How Do You Fix Droopy Eyelids? 6 Treatment Options

Eyelid drooping, also called ptosis, may resolve on its own or require treatment. Learn about 6 procedures that can help fix droopy eyelids Eyelid drooping, also called ptosis, may resolve on its own depending the cause and severity of the condition and may not always require treatment. This is especially true for children, since it is common for their ptosis …

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How Long Can You Live With Trisomy 9? Survival Rates

Most trisomy 9 pregnancies end in early miscarriage. About 2.4% of miscarriages occur before the 20th week of pregnancy Trisomy 9 is a rare but lethal chromosomal disorder that occurs when chromosome 9 appears three times (trisomy) in fetal cells instead of the usual two times. Only about 0.1% of trisomy 9 pregnancies result in a live birth with survival …

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What Is Foreign Body Removal? How to Remove Foreign Bodies

Removing objects that are struck in any part of the body is called foreign body removal or retrieval Removing objects that are struck in any part of the body is called foreign body removal or retrieval. Individuals may inhale or swallow a foreign body or may get one from an injury to almost any part of your body. Foreign body problems …

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