Tag Archives: triple-negative breast cancer

What Is the Most Common Cause of Hepatic Steatosis? Risk Factors

The main risk factor for alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) is drinking heavy amounts of alcohol. Normally, only about 10 percent of the liver anatomy is fat. Hepatic steatosis is having more than 10 percent accumulated fat in your liver, which is otherwise called fatty liver disease.  Drinking too much alcohol can cause alcoholic fatty …

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What Is the Risk of Breast Cancer by Age?

Breast cancer is usually found in women ages 50 and older Age is the most significant risk factor for breast cancer, with the risk increasing with age. The risk peaks during menopause and remains constant or reduces afterwards: Ages 30-40: 0.49%-1.55% Ages 50-60: 2.40%-3.54% Age 70: 4.09% Breast cancer is usually found in women ages 50 and older. Although breast …

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How Can I Lower My Potassium Quickly? 8 Symptoms & 12 Causes

Regular checkups and frequent blood work can assist in monitoring for changes in potassium levels and detecting hyperkalemia early. High potassium levels can be transient (lasting a few days) or persistent (lasting a long time). Acutely elevated potassium levels may resolve with short-term therapy. Chronic hyperkalemia needs continued therapy. High potassium levels are extremely harmful because they can cause your …

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What Causes Macrostomia? 4 Variations & Treatment Recovery

Macrostomia is a rare cause of the facial deformity, where clefts forms on either or both sides of the face when a baby is born. Macrostomia is the enlargement of the mouth at the oral commissure. It is often caused when maxillary and mandibular portions of the first branchial arch fail to unite normally in a fetus during embryonic development. …

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Is Applying Coconut Oil Good for Skin?

What is coconut oil? Coconut oil is a fat that contains over 90% saturated fat. Coconut oil has great benefits for skin health. The popularity of coconut, especially coconut oil, has soared over the last few years due to its many health benefits. In particular, coconut oil has great benefits for skin health.   Coconut oil is a fat that …

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How Can You Tell If a Mouth Sore Is Cancerous? 8 Risk Factors

Oropharyngeal or oral cancer is the most common form of head and neck cancer. Oral cancer can be detected early by: A monthly self-examination Use a bright light and a mirror to look at the lips and front of the gums Tilt your head back and look at the roof of the mouth Pull your cheeks out to view the …

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How Do Artificial Sweeteners Affect Blood Sugar and Insulin?

What are artificial sweeteners? Artificial sweeteners offer the sweetness of sugar without the calories. In the short term, blood sugar levels will not rise due to the ingestion of artificial sweeteners and the sweetness of artificial sweeteners can trigger the cephalic phase in the release of insulin and cause an increase in insulin levels in the body. Sugar has become …

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Why Are My Lips Blue for No Reason? 7 Conditions & 3 Causes

Bluish lips may indicate a serious problem. Bluish lips may be caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood. It may not indicate an emergency in all cases, but it isn’t something to be taken lightly.  Some conditions that may restrict oxygen levels taken by the lungs include: Blockage in the air passages Choking Excessive coughing Smoke inhalation Congenital …

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Is Brown Sugar Better for Diabetes Than White Sugar?

A comparison of brown and white sugar Brown sugar and white sugar have the same origins. Even though they have small differences in composition and taste, brown sugar and white sugar have almost identical nutritional values and the same effects on the levels of sugar in your blood. Brown sugar vs. white sugar… is the color the only difference? The …

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How Do You Check for Ovarian Cancer? 3 Types, 13 Symptoms, Diagnosis

According to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, only 19 percent of ovarian cancer is diagnosed in the early stages. Detecting ovarian cancer in its early stages is challenging because the ovaries are small structures, located deep within the abdomen and the symptoms are similar to those of other conditions. Moreover, ovarian cancer may not show any significant symptoms in its …

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