Is It Normal to Feel Under the Weather? 5 Steps to Recover Faster

Is it normal to feel under the weather
It is normal to feel under the weather perhaps one time in two months.

It is normal to feel under the weather perhaps one time in two months, and you may not have to see a doctor every time. The term literally means feeling a little sick or tired.

You may experience some irritation in your throat or nose or feel fatigued. These changes are most likely to be triggered by the transitioning of fall to winter and due to increased stress levels. However, if you have any comorbidities such as heart disease, kidney disorder, diabetes, and cancer and you have a new onset of “blues” or exhaustion, it is better to visit your doctor.

5 steps to recover faster when you feel under the weather

Although you can never fully prevent yourself from getting sick, there’s plenty you can do to protect yourself and decrease the chances of illness.

  1. Get rest:
    • When you feel sick or tired, the best thing is to take a break from work or your daily activities such as exercises. Get a family member or friend at home to help you at household work till you feel better.
    • Moreover, do not forget to get adequate sleep because sleep is essential for a healthy, functioning immune system. Resting gives your body time to help itself recover faster.
  2. Stay hydrated:
    • Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water every day and even more when you are feeling sick. Remember to maintain adequate hydration even during cold and dry weather.
    • Water is essential for the proper delivery of nutrients to all cells of the body for clearing infections. Apart from water, you can improve your hydration by drinking broths, fruit juices, herbal tea, and non-caffeinated versions of beverages such as tea, coffee, and energy drinks.
    • Avoid dehydrating drinks such as coffee, alcohol, and other sugary beverages.
  3. Pay attention to your nutrition:
    • An unhealthy diet that fails to provide you with the required amount of all nutrients can affect your immune system and increase your risk of recurrent infections.
    • The functioning of the immune system needs adequate nourishment. This nourishment needs to be provided in the form of a healthy diet that is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Antibodies that are involved in fighting off foreign bodies are primarily made up of proteins.
    • Experiments conducted outside the human body (in a test tube) support the theory that various micronutrient deficiencies—deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E—alter immune responses in human beings.
    • There is strong evidence that vitamin C–rich foods are good immune boosters. You should include at least one food source of vitamin C in your diets such as Indian gooseberry, oranges, grapefruit, kiwis, and strawberries.
    • If you think you are not able to get the required nutrients, you can ask your doctor about which vitamin supplement will work best for you.
  4. Destress yourself:
    • Chronic stress is associated with high levels of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol release is believed to block the effects of the immune system when our body is exposed to infection-causing microbes.
    • It may be difficult to identify how stress affects each one of us. However, we can at least learn how to manage our stress. Some of us may find taking long walks in the open as relaxing, some may find solace in listening to music, and some may find gardening as a stress buster.
  5. Follow other good practices:
    • To avoid falling sick and prevent the infection, if any, from spreading to others, here are a few tips:
      • Get your COVID-19 and annual flu vaccines.
      • Always get your annual physical checkups done.
      • Stay home when you’re sick.
      • Avoid others who are sick.
      • Wear a face mask around others.
      • Do not share personal items such as towels and toothbrushes.
      • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
      • Avoid touching your face frequently without sanitizing your hands.
      • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces often.
      • Maintain social distancing.

When to contact a doctor

It is okay to wait and not contact the doctor if you are just feeling a little sick or tired. The above tips will help most of the time.

Contact your doctor if you develop symptoms such as fever, chills, breathlessness, vomiting, or diarrhea and for any other concerns, you may have.

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Is It Normal to Feel Under the Weather? 5 Steps to Recover Faster

Is it normal to feel under the weather
It is normal to feel under the weather perhaps one time in two months.

It is normal to feel under the weather perhaps one time in two months, and you may not have to see a doctor every time. The term literally means feeling a little sick or tired.

You may experience some irritation in your throat or nose or feel fatigued. These changes are most likely to be triggered by the transitioning of fall to winter and due to increased stress levels. However, if you have any comorbidities such as heart disease, kidney disorder, diabetes, and cancer and you have a new onset of “blues” or exhaustion, it is better to visit your doctor.

5 steps to recover faster when you feel under the weather

Although you can never fully prevent yourself from getting sick, there’s plenty you can do to protect yourself and decrease the chances of illness.

  1. Get rest:
    • When you feel sick or tired, the best thing is to take a break from work or your daily activities such as exercises. Get a family member or friend at home to help you at household work till you feel better.
    • Moreover, do not forget to get adequate sleep because sleep is essential for a healthy, functioning immune system. Resting gives your body time to help itself recover faster.
  2. Stay hydrated:
    • Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water every day and even more when you are feeling sick. Remember to maintain adequate hydration even during cold and dry weather.
    • Water is essential for the proper delivery of nutrients to all cells of the body for clearing infections. Apart from water, you can improve your hydration by drinking broths, fruit juices, herbal tea, and non-caffeinated versions of beverages such as tea, coffee, and energy drinks.
    • Avoid dehydrating drinks such as coffee, alcohol, and other sugary beverages.
  3. Pay attention to your nutrition:
    • An unhealthy diet that fails to provide you with the required amount of all nutrients can affect your immune system and increase your risk of recurrent infections.
    • The functioning of the immune system needs adequate nourishment. This nourishment needs to be provided in the form of a healthy diet that is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Antibodies that are involved in fighting off foreign bodies are primarily made up of proteins.
    • Experiments conducted outside the human body (in a test tube) support the theory that various micronutrient deficiencies—deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E—alter immune responses in human beings.
    • There is strong evidence that vitamin C–rich foods are good immune boosters. You should include at least one food source of vitamin C in your diets such as Indian gooseberry, oranges, grapefruit, kiwis, and strawberries.
    • If you think you are not able to get the required nutrients, you can ask your doctor about which vitamin supplement will work best for you.
  4. Destress yourself:
    • Chronic stress is associated with high levels of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol release is believed to block the effects of the immune system when our body is exposed to infection-causing microbes.
    • It may be difficult to identify how stress affects each one of us. However, we can at least learn how to manage our stress. Some of us may find taking long walks in the open as relaxing, some may find solace in listening to music, and some may find gardening as a stress buster.
  5. Follow other good practices:
    • To avoid falling sick and prevent the infection, if any, from spreading to others, here are a few tips:
      • Get your COVID-19 and annual flu vaccines.
      • Always get your annual physical checkups done.
      • Stay home when you’re sick.
      • Avoid others who are sick.
      • Wear a face mask around others.
      • Do not share personal items such as towels and toothbrushes.
      • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
      • Avoid touching your face frequently without sanitizing your hands.
      • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces often.
      • Maintain social distancing.

When to contact a doctor

It is okay to wait and not contact the doctor if you are just feeling a little sick or tired. The above tips will help most of the time.

Contact your doctor if you develop symptoms such as fever, chills, breathlessness, vomiting, or diarrhea and for any other concerns, you may have.

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