Tag Archives: triple-negative breast cancer

How Long Does Immunity Last After You Get the Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccines?

As the coronavirus continues its spread around the globe, more people are becoming vaccinated. One of the primary questions about vaccination on most people’s minds is how long they are immune once they have all the shots they need. Many infectious disease experts believe that the effectiveness of the vaccines drops over time. For this …

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How Painful Is a Bone Bruise? Types, Symptoms, & Treatment

A bone bruise can be excruciatingly painful, severely limit movements, and take months to heal. Learn about different types, symptoms, and treatment Bone bruises are typically painful and take longer to heal than a skin bruise. While the bone isn’t actually broken, the impact is strong enough to result in bleeding or inflammation within the bone. Essentially, the bone particles …

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Is Drinking Water at Night Before Bed Bad for You?

There's a lot of confusing information about what is and isn't "good" for you when it comes to hydration and sleep. You need to drink water and you need sleep, but when and how much are equally disputed, especially since there's a direct correlation between the two. Drinking too much water can interrupt your sleep, and being sleep deprived can …

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Is Plant Protein Better Than Meat Protein?

You've probably noticed a surge of plant-based products in grocery stores and on restaurant menus. While only 5% of Americans describe themselves as vegetarian, plant-based diets have risen dramatically in popularity. When comparing plant vs. meat protein, which is the healthier choice? For most people, choosing to eat plant protein instead of meat is the better option. The benefits of …

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Is Plant Protein Good or Bad for Kidneys?

When you think about protein in your diet, you're most likely to think of meat. But plant sources of protein are becoming more popular, with 28% of Americans eating more plant protein in 2020 compared to 2019. Eating less meat and more vegetables has many health benefits. Plant protein may help lower your risk of kidney disease. Function of kidneys Your kidneys …

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What Are the Negatives of a Plant-Based Diet?

What are the different types of plant-based diets? A plant-based diet means different things to different people. One widely accepted definition is a diet that contains mostly plants. A plant-based diet includes: Fruits Vegetables Beans and other legumes Whole grains Nuts and seeds Experts say plant-based diets can be healthy, but there are some cons to plant-based diets as well. …

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Can a Weak Immune System Cause Cancer?

Every year, more than eight million people die from cancer. New studies and ongoing research regarding cancer prevention have helped improve treatment. However, many questions are still unanswered. One of them is whether a weak immune system can cause cancer. Your immune system plays a vital role in maintaining your health. But if you have weakened immunity, could it increase …

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Can Immunity Be Measured?

Everyone has an immune system that helps them fight off illnesses and infections. The system consists of different cell types that your body deploys to fight off microorganisms that can make you sick. The immune system works automatically and is usually very effective.  You may wonder how well your immune system is working. There are tests that can tell you …

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How Are Antibodies Produced and What’s Their Role in the Immune System?

The immune system Antibodies are an integral part of your body’s immune system. There are different kinds of antibodies, but all are necessary to the immune system to fight foreign bacteria and viruses. Your immune system is composed of organs, cells, and chemicals that all work together to fight infections that threaten your body. In addition to antibodies, important parts …

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How Can I Improve My Gut Health?

In recent years, researchers have learned that having a healthy digestive system is important to overall health. Your digestive tract processes the food you eat so you can use it for energy. Your gut also plays a role in immune system functions by removing waste or harmful substances from your body. When your gut doesn’t work well, your overall health …

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