What Does It Mean to Be High-Functioning in Depression?

What Does It Mean to Be High-Functioning in Depression
Although not a clinical term, high-functioning depression is a phrase often used to describe a form of depression that may be less debilitating than others

Although not a clinical term, high-functioning depression is a phrase often used to describe a form of depression that may be less debilitating than others.

Depression ranges from mild to severe, and in many cases can impair the ability to function. With high-functioning depression, depressive episodes may be milder or allow a person to live a relatively “normal” life.

What are symptoms of depression?

People with depression may experience symptoms including:

  • Low energy
  • Low mood
  • Lack of interest, also called anhedonia
  • Sadness or depressed mood most of the day and nearly every day, also called dysphoria
  • Guilt and feelings of worthlessness
  • Decreased activities
  • Concentration and attention problems
  • Decreased or increased appetite
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain
  • Restlessness and lack of sleep
  • Suicidal thoughts

What are the types of depression?

  • Major depression: The person stays depressed most of the time for most days of the week.
  • Persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia: The person stays depressed for more than 2 years. Symptoms are generally milder than those of major depression.
  • Bipolar depression: The person has alternating periods of depression and mania (feeling extremely high in energy).
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: Many women experience depressive episodes before their menses.
  • Seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression: Depression mainly occurs during the fall and winter seasons and the symptoms go away during the summer and spring seasons.

What causes depression?


Depression is a(n) __________ .
See Answer

How is depression treated?

Treatment of depression generally involves psychological counseling and medications. Medications may include:

Withdrawal symptoms are most commonly seen in people taking medications for depression. When medications are suddenly stopped, withdrawal symptoms may include:

To prevent withdrawal symptoms, do not stop taking any medications or change doses without consulting your doctor.

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What Does It Mean to Be High-Functioning in Depression?

What Does It Mean to Be High-Functioning in Depression
Although not a clinical term, high-functioning depression is a phrase often used to describe a form of depression that may be less debilitating than others

Although not a clinical term, high-functioning depression is a phrase often used to describe a form of depression that may be less debilitating than others.

Depression ranges from mild to severe, and in many cases can impair the ability to function. With high-functioning depression, depressive episodes may be milder or allow a person to live a relatively “normal” life.

What are symptoms of depression?

People with depression may experience symptoms including:

  • Low energy
  • Low mood
  • Lack of interest, also called anhedonia
  • Sadness or depressed mood most of the day and nearly every day, also called dysphoria
  • Guilt and feelings of worthlessness
  • Decreased activities
  • Concentration and attention problems
  • Decreased or increased appetite
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain
  • Restlessness and lack of sleep
  • Suicidal thoughts

What are the types of depression?

  • Major depression: The person stays depressed most of the time for most days of the week.
  • Persistent depressive disorder or dysthymia: The person stays depressed for more than 2 years. Symptoms are generally milder than those of major depression.
  • Bipolar depression: The person has alternating periods of depression and mania (feeling extremely high in energy).
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: Many women experience depressive episodes before their menses.
  • Seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression: Depression mainly occurs during the fall and winter seasons and the symptoms go away during the summer and spring seasons.

What causes depression?


Depression is a(n) __________ .
See Answer

How is depression treated?

Treatment of depression generally involves psychological counseling and medications. Medications may include:

Withdrawal symptoms are most commonly seen in people taking medications for depression. When medications are suddenly stopped, withdrawal symptoms may include:

To prevent withdrawal symptoms, do not stop taking any medications or change doses without consulting your doctor.

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