Understanding Ventilator Graphics

What is ventilator management? Intubation is used when a patient cannot breathe on their own and may be used in the emergency room (ER) or during surgery. Intubation is a procedure performed when patients are unable to breathe themselves. It may be performed as a life-saving procedure in the emergency room (ER) or during the …

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What Are the Most Common Surgical Airway Techniques?

What is surgical airway management? Surgical airway management involves the creation of an airway using surgical techniques. Surgical airway management is often performed  In unstable patients In case of stable patients who cannot be intubated or ventilated What are the most common surgical airway techniques? The four distinct but related most common surgical airway techniques include the following: Open cricothyroidotomy …

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How Painful is a Lumbar Puncture? Procedure

A lumbar puncture is also called a spinal tap, spinal puncture, thecal puncture, or rachiocentesis. A lumbar puncture is usually not painful, as a patient is first given a local anesthetic. Most patients feel nothing except for the mild sting of the local anesthetic needle. It is possible to feel a pressure sensation as the needle goes in. The procedure is …

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Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Symptoms & Treatment

Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) facts Enterococci (genus Enterococcus) are bacteria that commonly live in the bowel and are usually resistant to many antibiotics. VRE are enterococci that have become resistant to the antibiotic vancomycin. There are only a few antibiotics that are able to treat VRE infections. However, newer antibiotics are being developed. People can be colonized with VRE, meaning that …

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Why Are Diuretics Used in Heart Failure?

What is congestive heart failure? Heart failure can cause edema when extra fluid seeps into the lung cavity or other cavities. Diuretics treat this symptom, but do not cure heart failure. Congestive heart failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to efficiently pump blood to meet the body’s oxygen and nutrient needs. This impairs normal blood circulation …

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When Is a Thumb Injection Needed?

What is a thumb injection? A thumb injection is a procedure in which medications, such as coricosteroids, are injected into the thumb joint to treat diseases of the joint. Thumb pain and stiffness can be debilitating and difficult to treat. It can negatively affect the quality of life and cause functional problems that can limit daily activities.  Thumb pain can …

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What Is Volar Splinting?

What are volar splints? Volar splints minimize movements and provide support and comfort by stabilizing an injury of the palm or foot, which also reduces pain and helps the injury heal faster. Splints are usually applied to reduce movement and provide support and comfort by stabilizing an injury. They are primarily used during nonemergency injuries to the bones or ligaments …

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What Is Treadmill Stress Testing?

What is treadmill stress testing? During the treadmill stress test, your heart rate, blood pressure, and electrocardiograph (ECG) are monitored. Exercise stress testing is performed to determine how your heart responds to physical stress or exertion, such as exercise. The test is known as stress test, treadmill stress test, cardiac stress test, exercise electrocardiogram, treadmill test, graded exercise test, or …

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What Is Thoracoscopic Wedge Resection?

What Is Thoracoscopic Wedge Resection? Thoracoscopic wedge resection involves removing a small, wedge-shaped piece of the lung tissue. Thoracoscopic wedge resection is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves a small surgical cut (incision) for the removal of a small, wedge-shaped piece of the lung tissue. This surgery is used for removing a small tumor or to diagnose lung conditions.  …

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What Is the Function of Endocannabinoids?

What is the endocannabinoid system? The endocannabinoid system is a nerve signaling system throughout the human body that helps maintain physiological, emotional and cognitive stability. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex nerve cell signaling system that modulates the central nervous system’s function and helps maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the state of equilibrium in the body in which all the …

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