Why Am I Having Trouble Sleeping at Night? 13 Reasons

13 Reasons why you’re not sleeping 5 Different types of insomnia and the causes may differ according to the type of Insomnia. Having repeated difficulty with sleep initiation, maintenance, or poor quality of sleep that occurs despite adequate time and opportunity for sleep, resulting in some form of daytime impairment is called insomnia. Acute insomnia …

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What Is Transvaginal Cholecystectomy?

What is transvaginal cholecystectomy? Transvaginal cholecystectomy is a surgery in which the gallbladder is removed through the vagina. Transvaginal cholecystectomy is a novel surgical procedure to remove the gallbladder through the vaginal route. It is one of the three types of cholecystectomy—apart from the traditional open cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy—that is done to treat patients with an inflamed gallbladder (cholecystitis). …

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What Is Transvaginal Appendectomy?

What is transvaginal appendectomy? In treating acute appendicitis, transvaginal appendectomy, which involves removing the appendix through the vagina, is one option. Transvaginal appendectomy is an evolving surgical procedure that involves the removal of the appendix through the vaginal route. It is one of the three types of appendectomy—apart from traditional open appendectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy—that is done to treat acute …

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What Is the Treatment for Septic Arthritis?

What is septic arthritis? Septic arthritis (or infectious arthritis) is the infection of the joints caused by bacteria or viruses. This results in the inflammation of the synovial fluid that surrounds and lubricates the joints. Normally, the synovial fluid is free from microbes, but in septic arthritis, there may be a presence of microbes. Septic arthritis usually affects single joints …

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What Is an Eucapnic Hyperventilation (EVH) Test?

What is an eucapnic hyperventilation (EVH) test? Eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation (EVH) is a provocative test to diagnose exercise-induced airway narrowing (exercise-induced bronchospasm). Which individuals require eucapnic hyperventilation (EVH) test? Eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation (EVH) is usually done for below individuals: Occupations in which asthma needs to be excluded, such as divers and army personnel In professional athletes to prove that they …

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What Is a Tube Thoracostomy?

What is a tube thoracostomy? In a tube thoracostomy (chest drainage), pleural fluid, air, blood, and pus are removed from the pleural cavity. A tube thoracostomy, also known as open chest drainage, is a surgical procedure to drain the collection of pleural fluid, air, blood, or pus from your pleural cavity through a tube inserted in your chest. The pleural …

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What Drugs Are Used in Rapid Sequence Intubation?

What is rapid sequence intubation (RSI)? Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is the administration of a strong anesthetic agent followed by a rapidly acting paralytic agent (all within one minute) to make the patient unconscious. It is performed when the patient may not be fasting and is therefore at a high risk of aspiration (entry of gastric contents into the airways).  …

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What Does a Narcoleptic Attack Feel Like?

What does a narcoleptic attack feel like? Narcolepsy is a neurological sleep disorder that affects your ability to get good quality sleep. Because of the condition, you will feel excessively sleepy or tired during the daytime even with a full night’s sleep.  If you suffer from narcolepsy, you may experience attacks in which you can fall asleep in the middle …

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What Are the Five Types of Insomnia?

The insomnia causes may differ according to the type of Insomnia. The five types of insomnia are as follows: Acute insomnia  Chronic insomnia  Onset insomnia Maintenance insomnia  Behavioral insomnia of childhood What is insomnia? Insomnia is defined as repeated difficulty with sleep initiation, maintenance, consolidation, or quality that occurs despite adequate time and opportunity for sleep, and that results in …

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What Are the General Principles of Internal Fixation?

What is internal fixation? Internal fixation involves setting and stabilizing the fractured bones by cutting open the skin. The bones are realigned to their normal position. Internal fixation uses special implants such as plates, screws, nails, and wires, which hold together the corrected bones. The advantages of internal fixation are as follows: Shorter hospital stay Allows the patients to return …

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