How Long Do You Live After Being Diagnosed With Esophageal Cancer?

Five-year survival rate by stage The five-year survival rate for esophageal cancer means the percentage of people that lived for at least five years after their diagnosis of esophageal cancer. Cancer research has progressed by leaps and bounds in the last few years. Cancer, even an advanced stage, does not mean a death stage anymore. Survival in …

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How Do You Go From Flab to Abs?

Ways to lose belly fat In order to lose weight and get rid of belly flab, you have to eat better and do some abdominal exercises. Your core is made up of long muscles in the front called rectus abdominis, obliques on your sides, and the transversus abdominis across your front. Equally important to your core are your back muscles …

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How Do You Fix Ejaculation Problems?

Understanding ejaculation problems It’s common for ejaculation problems to occur as you age. The first step to fixing your ejaculation problems is talking to your doctor. Ejaculation happens when semen leaves your body through your penis. Ejaculation problems usually don’t pose health concerns, but they can be embarrassing to experience. Learn how to fix ejaculation problems like premature ejaculation. Experts …

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What Is the Life Expectancy of a Person With Klinefelter Syndrome?

Klinefelter syndrome (KS) can shorten life expectancy up to 2 years depending on whether complications associated with the condition develop According to studies, Klinefelter syndrome (KS) can shorten life expectancy up to 2 years depending on whether complications associated with the condition develop. Early detection and treatment, including special educational interventions, may improve the outlook of this disease. What is …

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How to Cope With School Stress

Students of all ages experience stress related to school. Some coping strategies like taking breaks from technology, sleeping, practicing deep breathing and stretching may help young students. Students of all ages experience stress related to school. Learn how to cope with school stress at any age. Reasons for school-related stress There are many reasons for school stress, including: Demands of …

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How Do You Burn Fat Really Fast?

Weight gain is a common concern. You can reduce fat by knowing your shape, maintaining a healthy diet, focusing on your carbs intake, and exercising. Weight gain is a common concern. Many people find that they tend to gain weight around their midsection, which is dangerous. Learn how to reduce fat with these eight ways to burn fat fast. Understand …

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How Long Can You Live With Lupus Nephritis? 6 Stages, Treatment

With proper treatment, 80 to 90 percent of people with lupus nephritis are expected to live for their normal lifespan. Lupus nephritis (inflammation of the kidney) is an autoimmune, chronic kidney disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s cells and tissues. It is a serious complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), which is an autoimmune disease that affects …

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What Is STI Testing? Sexually Transmitted Infections

If you are sexually active, it is important to get STI testing done to take care of your sexual health and check for sexually transmitted infections Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are common but often overlooked because many do not cause symptoms. If you are sexually active, it is important to get STI testing done to take care of your sexual …

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How Do You Stop Arthritis From Progressing in Your Hands?

Learn these simple tips and tricks to help stop the progression of arthritis in your hands. If you experience persistent pain and stiffness in your hands, you may be suffering from arthritis, which is a common condition that causes inflammation of the joints. The hand is made up of multiple small joints that are responsible for various types of motions …

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What Heart Rate Is a Heart Attack? Signs of a Heart Attack

While no one particular heart rate qualifies as a heart attack, a rapid heart rate outside 60 to 100 beats per minute should be monitored closely. Doctors cannot say that a particular heart rate qualifies as a heart attack. Your heart rate is not a reliable indicator that you are having a heart attack. It may become high or low …

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