11 Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

How to soothe mosquito bites?

Home Remedies for Mosquito BitesHoney has wound healing properties that may be useful in mosquito bites. Putting a drop of honey and spreading it on the affected site help to reduce inflammation and prevent infection.

Mosquitoes are a big-time nuisance even though all mosquitoes do not spread diseases. Female mosquitoes usually bite animals and humans to suck a small amount of their blood. Mosquitoes require protein and iron from blood to produce eggs. After producing eggs, they lay their eggs in standing water. The eggs then undergo various stages to develop into adult mosquitoes. Mosquito bites appear as red, itchy rashes, which resolves in a few days. A few mosquitoes act as a vector to spread diseases like:

11 home remedies for mosquito bites

Cream and ointments can alleviate the aftereffects of mosquito bites. However, several home remedies may cure the itch and redness associated with mosquito bites.

1. Baking soda

Baking soda can soothe the itching, stinging, and redness associated with mosquito bites. Apply the paste of baking soda by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda to three teaspoons of water. Baking soda is an ingredient in most over the counter creams. Nevertheless, the daily use of baking soda isn’t good for the skin.

2. Calamine lotion

The calamine lotion applied to the bites can immediately soothe the itches and reduce redness.

3. Arnica

Arnica is a herb that has origins in Europe. It has been known to reduce inflammation and redness associated with mosquito bites. Mix one tablespoon of arnica tincture in half a liter of water, and apply it on the site to soothe itching and redness.

4. Honey

Honey has wound healing properties that may be useful in mosquito bites. Putting a drop of honey and spreading it on the affected site help to reduce inflammation and prevent infection. Besides, it soothes redness and itching due to mosquito bites.

5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is famous for its soothing effects. Aloe vera has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that calm itchiness and redness associated with mosquito bites. Apply the natural aloe vera gel to the affected part and let it dry. For best results, apply two to three times a day.

6. Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory properties due to its menthol constituent. Peppermint has been promoted to reduce itchiness and inflammation associated with mosquito bites, but there is little evidence to prove the same. Applying a drop of peppermint oil to the affected area may reduce inflammation.

7. Concentrated heat

Heat compress on the affected site may improve the symptoms of mosquito bites. Applying a hot water bag or a medical device that provides concentrated heat may be useful in the reduction of symptoms.

8. Basil oil

Basil oil has a component called eugenol, which is effective against itchiness and rashes. You can crush a fresh basil leaf and apply it to bites. Eugenol has anti-inflammatory properties that help to alleviate the swelling.

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal has been used as a soothing agent to relieve itch and irritation associated with various insect bites. Apply the oatmeal paste by mixing oatmeal with an equal amount of water, keep it for 10 minutes, then wipe the area clean.

10. Chamomile

The essential blue oil present in chamomile has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Thus, it is helpful to soothe itchiness and redness. Mix two to three teaspoons of dried flowers per cup of water and use it as a compress on the affected site.

11. Tea tree oil

It is an antiseptic used to treat insect bites. Tea tree oil 100% solution, can be applied to the mosquito bites.

However, if you observe the following severe symptoms, then immediately consult your doctor rather than waiting for results from home remedies:

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