Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil) Uses, Side Effects & Dosage

What is tea tree oil? What is tea tree oil used for?

Tea tree oil is topical antiseptic. It contains Terpinen-4-ol, which has antifungal and antimicrobial properties.

What brand names are available for tea tree oil?

Melaleuca oil

Is tea tree oil available as a generic drug?


Do I need a prescription for tea tree oil?


What are the side effects of tea tree oil?

Side effects of tea tree oil may be local irritation and
inflammation at the application area.

What is the dosage for tea tree oil?

  • The recommended dose for acne is: Apply 5% gel to affected areas daily.
  • The recommended dose for nail fungus (Onychomycosis) is: Apply 100% solution
    twice daily for 6 months.
  • The recommended dose for athlete’s foot is: Apply 10% cream topically twice a
    day for 1 month OR apply 25% or 50% solution twice a day for 1 month.
  • Tea tree oil 100% solution can be applied to cuts, scrapes, burns, abrasions,
    insect bites, and stings.

Which drugs or supplements interact with tea tree oil?

There is no information on drug interactions with tea tree


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Is tea tree oil safe to take if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

There are no adequate studies done on tea tree oil to determine
safe and effective use in
pregnant women.

It is not known whether tea tree oil enters
breast milk;
therefore, it is best to be cautious before using it in nursing mothers.

What else should I know about tea tree oil?

What preparations of tea tree oil are available?

Tea tree oil is available as 5% gel, 5% ointment, 100%
solution, 25-50% solution, and 10% cream.

How should I keep tea tree oil stored?

Store tea tree oil below 86 F (30 C).

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